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RE: Warning From The U.S. Infrastructure Council, 9/11-Level Cyber Attack Imminent - Episode 1365b

in #politics8 years ago

MAYBE TRUMP IS GOING TO USE THESE FULL-SCALE POLICE STATE MEASURES to go after .... wait for it ....... the .......... DEEP STATE ITSELF !!!!

Given that at least one third of congress are pedophiles & Clinton doners//collaborators and that every governmental department - including the DOJ & pretty much every court in the land are all totally corrupt - & quite likely practicing Luciferian Satanists abducing, trafficking, raping, torturing & eventually killing little children & babies - & then selling their body parts & drinking their blood etc ........ and no properly conducted investigations into any of the deep states crimes - including the Kennedy assassinations - JFK, Robert, JFK Junior ............ have so far been successful (at least not at the top levels) MAYBE TRUMP IS GOING TO USE THESE UTTERLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEASURES TO FINALLY GET THEM

Wouldn't you if you were in his shoes .... maybe there are many members of the police force who would like to stop the deep state but cannot do it without this new legislation ...................

Cunning like a fox ................ using their very own petards on which to hoist them ...... 'executive orders' are completely unconstitutional, but Trump's been using them like there is no tomorrow ........... for his own ends ...........