Why I stand against the far right movements across the Globe! - Part 1

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


I do believe in "Human dignity is unimpeachable." period!

So why do I believe in this?

I don't want to get too philosophical, so ask your self a few question to get my point.

  • Is someone wearing different clothes than you worth less?

  • Should you help someone who is injured (falling and breaking his/her leg)?

  • What would be a reason not to help?

  • What makes you more valuable than anyone else?

  • Is the life of your neighbor (which you don't like) worth less than the life of any stranger you may meet on the streets?

I want you to think about this question on your own and/or discuss it with your friends and family.
My thoughts on this questions you will read in the 2nd part later (wich I'll link here as soon as it's online).

PS: I hope you enjoyed this and may learned something about you and the topic.
Thanks for your attention.

Have courage to use your own reason!

Immanuel Kant

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Is the life of your neighbor (wich you don't like) worth less than the life of any stranger you may meet on the streets?.
It should be which instead of wich.