I do believe in "Human dignity is unimpeachable." period!
So why do I believe in this?
I don't want to get too philosophical, so ask your self a few question to get my point.
Is someone wearing different clothes than you worth less?
Should you help someone who is injured (falling and breaking his/her leg)?
What would be a reason not to help?
What makes you more valuable than anyone else?
Is the life of your neighbor (which you don't like) worth less than the life of any stranger you may meet on the streets?
I want you to think about this question on your own and/or discuss it with your friends and family.
My thoughts on this questions you will read in the 2nd part later (wich I'll link here as soon as it's online).
PS: I hope you enjoyed this and may learned something about you and the topic.
Thanks for your attention.
Have courage to use your own reason!
Immanuel Kant
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be which instead of wich.Thanks :D