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RE: What Is vs What Should Be: My Philosophically Internal Conflict with Libertarianism

in #politics7 years ago

You hit the nail on the head - that is exactly the problem I have with many libertarian dictates - reality versus the ideal.

In many ways we agree with the "ideal" but cannot support it because of the situation we are in today.

Maybe the best way to bring us all together is to focus on the journey. Work out the best way to make the journey from where we are today to the ideal.

I feel certain laying down a realistic path for the journey would bring a lot more support to the libertarian cause.


Do you have a realistic path for how to bring about accountability and resolve government debt and deficits? I'm quite skeptical of the Libertarian party, but no other party is proposing anything remotely realistic or sustainable either.

The penny plan is a good option. Every year we simply reduce government spending by 1 cent for every dollar they spend until it turns into a surplus and we start paying the debt back. Anyone who has run a household or business knows they can cut 1% from their spending each year if they really have to. And I would suggest government spending would be a target rich environment for spending cuts for those so inclined.

The other side of the ledger is growing the pie bigger. A faster growing economy brings more revenue into the govt coffers without increasing tax rates. That is why Trumps reduction in regulations have been so important - they help grow the pie bigger.

Lastly is entitlements. I think there are 2 things here:

  • acknowledge we are all living longer and are healthier longer - so gradually raise the age at which benefits kick in for new beneficiaries
  • Let people invest their social security contributions in private accounts - this is not an extreme position. The labor govt in Australia did just that and it has worked very well.

Finally make sure welfare safety nets are more like trampolines that help people bounce back then spider webs that entangle them in generations of helplessness.

For me, I have to delve into some not very popular with Libertarians ideas in order to see government debt resolved. Just like personal debt, the first thing the government needs to do is assess where it's spending its money, the majority of which is on military and foreign affairs. The second of course being the welfare state. (Though I really detest when conservatives and Libertarians alike call SS welfare, because it's not welfare. People like my parents gave a large chunk of their paychecks their whole lives for the social security pot. It is therefore egregious to even consider taking that away. It really bothers me that people can't differentiate that from just regular welfare, but I digress.) Once we have figured out what the biggest expenses are, then we would know where to cut. Another unpopular idea I hold that goes in direct opposition to the Libertarians is isolationism. I think it is our only shot for now at resolving our debt. We need to stop funneling aid to other countries. We need to stop taking on hundreds of thousands of new immigrants. For right now, we need to cut our budget to its absolute bare bones minimum, and then to make money? Legalize marijuana nationwide and tax the crap out of it. This may only put a dent in our national debt, but I think it's at least a step in the right direction.

Work out the best way to make the journey from where we are today to the ideal.

This should be the new Libertarian slogan! Fabulous!

Thank you. I am glad you liked it.

This is taking place in Costilla Co., CO. Yes it is.