I am not so sure the gunpolicy.org stats are at odds with what the links you pointed to me are saying.
Around the time of the Parkland's shooting I spent a lot of time going through the gunpolicy.org stats and came away with the view that gun control is going to stop these mass killings. I summed up my feeling this way:
"I have lived in countries that have tough gun laws like Australia and the UK. I have also lived in countries with lax guns laws like the USA. Even within the USA, gun laws vary significantly from state to state - and I have lived in some states with tough gun laws and some with lax guns laws.
When I see a school shooting like just happened in Florida or hear about the gun deaths in Chicago every week - my heart screams impose the Australian Solution or the UK solution and stop all this killing.
But my head tells me, those solutions simply will not work here in the USA. "
The real paradox is gun control may not make people safer, there are real downsides.
Your excellent post brings some of those downsides into clearer focus showing "guns being used over 47x more often to defend a life than to take one." and "guns are used 5.7 or 3.4 times (using Kleck or Clinton respectively) more often to defend against a crime than to commit one. "
Gunpolicy.org also shows why suicide by gun needs to be excluded when thinking about school safety. While many more Americans commit suicide with a gun compared to Australia and the UK - the overall suicide rate is about the same i.e. they find alternate methods in Australia and the UK.
In many ways - the problem is not the stats. The problem is often the bias of the person interpreting them. Too often stats are used to support an agenda instead of to find a solution.
And Dana Loesch rightly called out the hypocrisy of CNN and the mainstream media in this video.
This is what makes me sad - it is so easy to wrapped up in the rights and wrongs of gun ownership and/or gun control - and before you know it nobody is focusing on the problem at hand - our schools are not safe.
Andrew Pollack taught me that when he tore Chris Wallace apart of Fox News Sunday .
Sorry this reply turned out to be almost as long as War and Peace - I am just really frustrated because it feels like efforts to make schools safe has stalled and may soon be thrown in the dust bin of history - till the next tragedy.
I should have said I was refering to the link you had in your post from a month ago.
The gun deaths per 100,000 may be correct, but when you take out suicides it is something more like 3.5 out of 100,000 for gun homocides(not the 10 out of 100,000 the gun policy shows is for total gun deaths).
I agree. You are right.