Freedom, Is it worth it?

in #politics7 years ago

Freedom is an illusion. If you doubt it become an effective speaker against the powers that should not be or invent something revolutionary and learn how free you really are. People have spent thousands of years studying humans in order to manipulate them and control them. Slavery was the most obvious form of control but this is crude and costly. A much better way is to study the mind, heart, spirit, and how we interact with the world then use that to craft a reality that removes the need for physical chains. Fear and insecurity are the most obvious targets for this, followed closely by guilt, greed, and vanity.

People have the natural instinct to assume everyone is similar to themselves. They trust easily and assume others are honest. They don’t want to dominate others or lie/cheat/steal to get ahead. They are instilled with morals and the virtue of right and wrong from the time they are children. This is not a bad thing though it makes people very naive. What they are not taught (by design) is that not everyone has these morals, and in fact, these morals are an imaginary construct in order to neuter the masses and keep them docile (in an ideal world morals and ethics would be a noble pursuit). What they fail to explain is that there are those that are not bound by such morals (mostly due to psychopathy). They believe they are more evolved and are entitled to do whatever it takes to rule over the rest of us. There is nothing that they will not do to gain/maintain power. They have completely dehumanized the rest of humanity and view us as nothing more than tools for them to wield as they see fit. It has always been this way, and it’s time people wake up to this fact. If you take what you think you know about the world, and assume its all lies and try to prove it true using logic and intuition, you will take a major step towards freedom. Freedom only exists if you can gain the ability to think what you have not been programmed to think. This is far from easy, it involves a lot of work searching out all the books they don’t want you to read. Funny enough most the books the powers that should not be have written themselves (they love to brag to each other, HG Well, Carrol Quigly, Albert Pike, and the Huxley's are a good start, but you can go back to Pluto and even further). They never anticipated the internet and the peasants brainstorming and finding these books and consolidating the information.

With a few years of hard work you can come to rational conclusions (all of which are not pleasant in the slightest), and with these everything you thought you knew changes. This, in turn, leads you to an odd place where you are almost completely alone. Everything that didn’t make sense before becomes clear and you understand that most everything is a puppet show to keep the peasants entertained and distracted from the true goals that are being quietly put into place. At this point, they are so far along that the only logical conclusion is that the game is already over. If you try to tell your friends and families they will go into denial or just think your crazy. You can’t form a relationship with someone without hiding your true knowledge (most of the time anyway). You can’t forget what you know and can’t convince yourself your conclusions are wrong (no matter how hard you try). You want to slap everyone you see and wake them up, but the dead (their name for the masses) refuse to wake up.

Freedom on the mind is the only freedom that exists. They have replaced the chains of bondage with dollars, yen, euros, and pounds. They have monopolized all the important resources and knowledge. Anything they want they will steal, lie, or murder to acquire. They reduced education to nothing more than years of conditioning, and they brag about it (if you know where to look, the underground history of education by Gatto or The Country School of To-Morrow by Fredrick T. Gates, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Iserbyt). They have the masses firmly locked into their system, and are slowly imposing their will. When you learn to think and obtain free will (ability to think outside their box, and have true ideas that are yours and not something your parroting) it is a very lonely and terrifying place. So, freedom is it worth it?

Thanks for reading :)



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