Please Stand By... Your Programming is Almost Complete.

in #politics7 years ago


Emotions are very important, they are the motivations for life. They are great and horrible, but both the good and bad are a natural part of life. Fiction (especially science fiction) is very useful when you want to lower someones logical/skeptical defenses, after all, it's just a story and not true. When your logical side is turned off and you just watch the show and enjoy it. What you don’t realize is that there are underlying messages being repetitively embedded to prepare you for the future being brought in. This is called predictive programming, and it is one of the ways they use the entertainment industry to manipulate you.

The hero police, teacher, doctor, lawyer, scientist, journalist and military personnel are all repeated over and over again to elevate these professions. They don’t want you to think about what these people actually do for the system or question the system in general, so they elevate these people into almost god-like figures and you're a heretic if you question them or their professions. These people are the system, whether the participants involved know it or not. The police selectively enforce the law, the doctors don’t heal people they just push drugs, the teachers brainwash the youth, the lawyers are there to make sure the rich don’t get punished, the scientist preach all kinds of soft science with very questionable and unfalsifiable conclusion (just like religious leaders do), the journalists ensure only the correct news gets to the public, the military go around the world punishing countries that don’t do what they are told by the leeches at the top.

Repetition, repetition, repetition. The evil white guy, the good caring person of color, the strong heroic female (currently being pushed to the extreme), the interracial relationship, the enhanced human via technology, the good robots, the stupid redneck, the crazy gun lover, etc. All of these themes are repeated over and over. They are used to condition you while your logic is turned off so you don’t see how they are normalizing and driving these ideas into your subconscious. Now before you shut your brains off and cry, “Racist! Sexist!”, ask yourself why these things pop into your mind? Yup, you have been conditioned to think them when someone talks about race or gender. The fact is those at the top are very aware of racial and gender differences and use these to manipulate the masses and create a politically correct culture where people are too afraid to speak up as to what is going on because they might be labeled a racist, sexist, anti-semite, bigot, xenophobe, etc. This is yet another way to shut down your logical brain and put you in an emotional state, and also repeated constantly in the entertainment and media industries. There are reasons these things are always repeated, and when you put them into context in the larger world as a whole a picture of the true agenda become clear, crystal clear… maybe even high definition clear (or even UHD clear if you look and think hard enough).

Music is no different, they said rock and roll was the devil's music, strange enough they were not far off. Music is an extremely powerful way to shape culture, take a deep hard look at the music you love and the messages they are sending. The hook in a song gets stuck in your mind and the message repeats over and over again. This has a very powerful effect on the subconscious. Why do so many musicians push degenerate behavior? Why do so many have mental breakdowns? Why do so many die young? They know they can make people like whatever crap music they want by repeating it and promoting it enough. One of the favorite techniques is to take a wholesome child actor/singer and then have them become completely degenerate. Why do they do all these things? It is a long journey to answer this question and until you make that journey you will not believe the answer and break free of your programming.

The subconscious is the emotional part of the brain and that is why it is the target, it quietly controls us behind the scene, motivating us in all our actions. It takes a lot of work to understand your subconscious and to deprogram it from all the insanity that has been implanted. You will never be able to fully remove the conditioning you received when you were growing up, but becoming aware of the tricks they use will help you see through them and understand why you have the reactions you have.

Thanks for reading :)
