Just Another Super Tuesday

in #politics5 years ago

Today, millions of people are voting in political primaries in Colorado and across the country. I washed my car. I did some laundry, too. I read a couple chapters in two books, one on economics, and the other on historical violence. I also took a short walk in the warm afternoon sunshine.

It was all going so well until I checked Facebook and Twitter. Up in Denver, a communist City Councilwoman retweeted a meme suggesting she would happily join a Trump rally if she were infected with coronavirus. Great. Looked at her bio and it seems she's been groomed for a career in politics. Curiously, she seems to consider herself an anarchist of sorts, but it seems to me if she's an anarchist after spending years with the Obama administration, then maybe she learned something about government and ... well, maybe this is why she's not a communist and is an anarchist. Whatevs.

Meanwhile, about a third of my Facebook feed is rife with posts encouraging people to vote. Some implore voting for certain presidential candidates. Some use fear: "If you don't vote today, it will be another four years of him!" Clearly, President Trump motivates people either for or against him.

But today is a farce. It is political theater. I don't care who the Democrats select as their presidential candidate. I will vote the Libertarian candidate. Probably. But Democrats don't seem to realize their hatred of Trump is a losing strategy. And so they continue to mock and belittle Trump supporters as if shaming them would change their minds.

I know it won't. I live in Manitou Springs, a heavily Democratic fortress in a heavily Republican county. As a Libertarian, I frequently point out to Democrats some of the flaws in their policies, and it doesn't matter. A Democrat may make a silly claim that not agreeing with her is racism but point out that her support of minimum wage laws is interesting given they began as tools of racism, and then the Democrat smiles, shrugs, and, "But Trump!"

I don't want another four years of Democrats obsessing over Trump. I don't want another four years of spiteful politics in which Trump and the Democrats continue their horrible slow dance, creating bad laws just to one-up the other. And on that note, should a Democrat become president in 2020, maybe we should expect at least four years of even worse politics.

After yesterday's snowstorm, the warm afternoon sun feels invigorating and refreshing. I'm going to hike the Garden of the Gods and leave my phone at home. I'll take my camera, too, and take scenic pictures. There's so much more to do today than be online, obsessing over Trump and Democrats.

But that's just me.



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