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RE: Adsactly Education - Have We Lost Capitalism and Democracy?

in #politics7 years ago

In the last book that I read, someone talked about a election and financial system being in place in a fictional country.

Basically, every man, no matter how wealthy or not, had the ability to deposit resting finances for the state so that it can be used for this and that. Remember this because it becomes important later.

When it comes to elections, everyone has a base vote value of 1, This amount is then reduced dependent on how successful in life and financially you are and how much money you deposit for the state to use.

There is a reasoning to this. The explanation says that someone who lives a proper life and/or a successful life has a better grasp on reality, finances and politics and having deposited money means that he also cares for the state, thus, his vote get's more weight than a drunk drug addict who is in debt would.

I don't think that this is a perfect system either, but I think that it offers some interesting food for thought.


A weighted vote? I have read quite a lot of theory about that, but for me, I always come back to the compromises made just before our Civil War. They were truly evil, and did nothing except ensure that the war would be fought. Essentially they said that a black man counted for 3/5 of a white man in population readings and for 0% for voting status. Indigenous people had no standing what so ever.

That didn't work out so well for US. We are still paying that price.

Well that's a question of how you apply these things. The example you are giving is obviously one of the less good ones.

Drinking tea is considered healthy, but I can still drown in it. You get the idea, everything that may be good in theory can be taken too far into the wrong direction.

I wasn't trying to just give a bad example, but a weighted vote goes against 'one person, one vote' which is considered a pillar of Democracy. A weighted vote would certainly mean the marriage between Capitalism and Democracy had been consummated.

Well, you must look at this topic from another point of view. We think that democracy is the best system to have. It is not, it has plenty problems on it's own, as we can see right now after having lived with it for quite a while.