Legislature will never solve stupidity.

in #politics7 years ago

We as a society have become so delicate I feel as though we are raising children that when released into the world as adults, are showing the most ignorance as of yet. We have all experienced peer pressure and probably done regrettable things, but what I’m getting too is different. I can honestly say, for no reason other than saving my families lives, would I eat detergent. Then, instead of society saying well, you get what you ask for, you have states that try to legislate all problems away. People, legislation will never replace parenting or ones own sound judgement. Yet, society keeps steem rolling (get it) legislation out to solve a crisis that is nothing more than stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance can at least be solved, due to the definition being lacking of knowledge. All of these teenagers and adults eating tide pods because its the so called thing to do, the newest viral challenge. I mean honestly its scary because the lack of judgement shown makes me wonder where the line is they would or would not cross. Great example of legislation trying to be placed in effect in for lack of judgment and just plain stupidity, is NY trying to make Tide turn the product pods to all white......So, let me get this straight...vs the responsibility landing solely on the person who does it, turning a detergent white will stop it. So in summary, You have taught another person that it was not there fault yet again, vs learning from it. Its only dooming not only the individual but eventually society as a whole. NY is trying to literally use the colors orange and blue as the scapegoat and sole reasoning behind these acts. I just do not understand their train of thought.


What? Tide Pods? You got to be kidding?

You are so right...Good post! People are getting away from God and stupidity is entering in. I could go on a rant right now... Good post!

You need to post some more...from your heart. I will upvote you.