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RE: Clinton Foundation Financier Frank Giustra Backing Hive Cryptocurrency

in #politics7 years ago

I've been waiting for these dregs of humanity to reveal their hand and so it begins!! Indeed much of this appears to be coming off the back of some increasingly lurid msm bitcoin stories/fear mongering so it does appear that (msm) are indeed paving the way for some sort of shake up within said space. I'm also waiting for China and perhaps Russia to embark upon some form of gold backed crypto and from that perspective I believe the increasing amount of stories relating the likes of Giustra moving away from the metals marketplace and into crypto's to be a slight of hand. Yes in many ways they are late to the party and so it stands to reason that these people wll be seeking a foot on this increasingly lucrative ladder. But old generational money always holds it's longterm wealth in gold/art and other assets so I see no reason why the likes of the Clintons/Soros/Giustra wouldn't continue to at least emulate a degree of that. I sense something is happening in the background of this increasing public posturing. Keep the metals cheap, drain public confidence all the while knowing there is some form of gold backed blockchain or digital currency in the offing.

One things for sure, what a perverted and disturbingly tangled web these people weave. I can only hope that the crimes of the Clintons do enter the public arena and in turn the attachment of guilt takes down the whole Hive debacle, otherwise I fear this is just the warmup! I've always said the blockchain is a potentially profoundly societally changing technology but equally as with everything their is a duality. At the moment we remain one step ahead and the future of the blockchain remains in the hands of the people! This why it's so important to stay one step ahead of the game and keep a keen eye on announcements such as this. From that perspective you're doing a fantastic job! Great research as always v4vapid!!