Thanks for that. Well thought out arguments, and in the first few moments I felt like I would agree partially. Just wanted to address some of your assumptions, and nearly ended up with a godwin. I must have understood some things really wrong.
- Okay, that's what I expected. They either take care of it themselves (what they don't), or may get punished after the shit is in the drain. Not very different from today, but a functional government following its duties to the people would care.
- Water was one out of so many examples. All the unsustainable copper, coal and whatever else mining, the rainforests which are still disappearing, would it be prevented because the land doesn't belong to anyone, or to individuals? What's the legitimation to own rainforests as an individual if so? Planting a flag, building a fence? How do we fix the fact that nearly all big (land-)owners got their property through theft? Wasn't all of America stolen from the indigenous population, or did they forget to raise their flag?
- Each growth comes to an end. Respecting the living circumstances of other living creatures may be seen as charity, treating nature and resources sustainable is the only way to keep our society at least near the current state for the next generations. To deny that, you have to ignore a lot of scientific research in all fields, while concentrating a certain economic model.
- I'd call that economical-darwinistic. You ignore that the base for all education is laid at a very low age. We both may have been lucky, and our parents gave us the tools to educate ourselves. Most people didn't get those and learn a lot better with instructions. Others don't even have parents. Or can't hear or see.
- There's a lot more demand than supply for jobs. And the future won't change that. Efficiency of production is going to increase, and less and less workforce will be required.
- Yeah. Companies compete. Billion dollar companies with efficiency over everything, against small local farmers who know the names of their lifestock. There's no other job for them, no way to get out of their place and start another life. Well, there's the darwinism again...
This makes me sad.
I just had to think about this glorious piece, and the sadness is gone :D