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RE: Civil Asset Forfeiture: Theft Without Conviction

in #politics7 years ago

Again, spot on! I don't want to have to do the 'major catastrophe' thing to back peddle from these issues. We shouldn't be there yet. We have things we can do first, like go to school board meetings and city council meetings, county commissioner meetings and such. With enough numbers, the Marxists and socialists that infest these institutions can be silenced and removed.

Yea i know, people who do that end up going to jail for their actions. The only reason that works is because that person was the lone voice of reason, easily silenced. They can't haul everyone to jail, there isn't room and money to house/feed that many people. Strength is in the numbers.

I know that too, we, the like minded silent opposition are too busy working, over taxed as it is, unable to afford what we need to survive, ect. ect. ect.... That's the point. They have us right where they want us. We need to bust the mold and get out from under the control they have for us. Tell the boss you're not going to work today, you have to protest something. If you don't, there won't be any need to go to work later anyway.


So much knowledge being given in your comments my friend. You are right on it. There's much to be done and I personally believe that we can rise above this. We just need to understand that it wont be an easy battle. Great talking with you and take care of yourself out there!

As much as I would like to believe the the numbers are on the side of reason I don't think that is the case any longer. Most of the population in the western world is on the receiving end of government goodies, willingly or not. With pensions, unemployment insurance, and government regulated registered accounts people are trapped in the system. That is the politicians game plan, make the populace dependent on the government and they can control us. Democracy is a majority rule and the majority votes for government handouts.