The point I was trying to make is that these statues are not a manifestation of national pride as much as a reminder of what we must never do again.
That is simply not true. You are entirely glossing over why Confederate statues were erected. They were erected by people who were proud that their ancestors fought to preserve slavery.
If 61 is young in your eyes, I'm young. Otherwise, not so much.
I'm not talking about why they were erected... I'm talking about why they have historical importance now. If you don't get that, please don't respond again. My Uncle Arthur told me never argue with a stupid person- you'll never change their mind.
Historical importance? Oh please.
Let me guess. A few years from now when people in Cuba start removing statues of Che Guevara, you'll be arguing that they should remain because of their historical importance?
it's a waste of time to argue with leftists.
their dishonesty, combined with their pollution of public institutions and their subversion of law, pretty much guarantees a civil war
we'll clean up their mess then, but it will cost us
I muted the idiot... all he did was prove my Uncle Arthur was right! I wish they'd hurry up with the civil war- I ain't getting any younger and I'd like to get a couple of shots off!!!
By the way... I've got some good photos of a Confederate monument that I'm afraid to post- I don't want any bullshit assholes coming here to fuck with them... Then I'd definitely get some shots off!
I don't want a civil war. I want the line, both military and LE, to do their job and arrest everyone in the Deep State and the big players on the Left as traitors.
Sure we'd have to put down some rioters, but if there are eggs that have to be cracked for the American omelet, let them be the eggs of the leeches and the traitors
and go ahead and post the pics!
We have an agreement with the Sons of the Confederacy... They put up a flagpole and give us a new Stars and Bars every year.
and in return, you hide in the hedges with a shotgun waiting for blm.antifa to show up ;>
It's a deal! We had a guy commit suicide there... The cops tried to pin it on one of the guys that worked there.