Political Endgame

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Now that we have a political compass we can guide ourselves through the jungle of propaganda and see what the endgame of all political movements are. It can't be more obvious, but it seems like all political movements end up in tyranny, except the ones that deliberately oppose coercion like the Libertarian side both left and right.

If you remember I have recently introduced an accurate political compass:


The compass is very accurate and clean of propaganda elements that have been clouding politics for so long, the sort of left & right narrative that only happens on the coercive half, while coercion is increasing in the Y axis, we get to debate which side of the coercion we will have the Stalinist type or the Nazi Hitler type, literally, that is the deception in politics right now. That is not to say that the left and right is not a legitimate separation of positions, but it’s really meaningless if it’s on the coercive half of the compass.

In reality only the Y axis matters, you either have freedom or you don’t, and we can sort minor issues out later. For this reason I am centrist on the X axis, but I am extremely Libertarian on the Y axis.

It also seems like all political movements end up in tyranny, whether that is deliberate or not, like the Elites are known to fund both sides, so those who want to control society, don’t really care which type of tyranny we get as long as they remain on the top, and we shouldn’t care either, we should only care about stopping tyranny.

Now let’s take each side and analyze it, based on my observations, these are facts, you can research them too if you want, they are too obvious.

The Progressive Phenomena

Okay so there are these leftist who genuinely feel that the Elite is screwing them over. They are libertarian leftists that may want to establish cooperatives, voluntary decentralized communities, legalize weed, legalize gay marriage, calling out the surveillance state and the endless wars, just very decent leftist positions. Nothing wrong with these in a voluntary society, cooperation and competition can both coexist.


And these people get infiltrated by the rabid leftist, namely the Progressive totalitarian faction, who’s every solution is just more State power. Every single fucking time:

  • Your ISP screwing you over? Just give more power to the Government via Net Neutrality!
  • Are you poor? Just increase taxes and let the Government give you free money!
  • Your employer treats you like shit? Make the Government enforce harsher labor laws!
  • Your health sucks? Government monopolized hospitals!
  • Mass spying? Introduce Privacy Laws (but for corporations only, duh) !!
  • Endless wars? Transform the Warfare State into Welfare State!
  • Useless schools with no job prospects? More Government spending on “Education”!
  • No jobs? Let’s create new Government agencies so that tens of thousands can get employed!
  • Police shoots innocent civilians? Ban guns!
  • Mentally ill immigrant runs over civilians with a truck? Ban trucks!

I mean every fucking solution to them is more Government power, whereas obviously these problems could be solved voluntarily without coercion, but for some reasons every fucking solution to them is increased Government power.

It makes me vomit from the disgust I have fore these Big-Government shilling Progressives. Every fucking solution to them is just more Government more Government and more Government….

They have a Big Government fetish because that is the only thing they can see. Never any alternative, that is just in front of their eyes, that they could see if they would not be so blinded by their totalitarian aspirations.

Needless to say, Progressivism will end up in Stalinism, worse, it will usher in a 1984 Orwellian style tyranny in the form of a Technocracy given all these new smart gadgets that come out. We know what comes out when coercive collectivism merges with technology...

The end game will be mandatory chips in your brain at birth that will surveill your thoughts, so that all humans could be remotely controlled by an AI and “shut down” as soon as they commit a thought crime. Yeah that is the endgame of this, I am not even exaggerating, I am dead serious.

The Alt-Right Phenomena

I have been observing the Libertarian community for some time, and it’s plain obvious that the Libertarian nature of it is getting disrupted by Totalitarian elements that are subverting the community.

The Libertarian community is right now being dragged from bottom-right-center quadrant into the top-right-extreme quadrant as rapidly as possible, perhaps exponentially:


The Libertarian community has been infiltrated by Totalitarians since the 2016 US election, discussion boards like: r/Anarcho_Capitalism and r/Libertarian and similar places like that are now filled with White-Supremacists, Racists, Neo-Nazis and Monarchists.

Not just that but all these Alt-Right Youtube personalities, constantly talk about very racist and supremacist ideologies, mildly, but their comment sections are filled with rabid Anti-Semites and Holocaust Deniers. It’s just horrible to watch the degradation of the Libertarian community due to the hands of Totalitarians.

I used to read the Anarcho-Capitalist subreddit for some time, and it was a nice place to talk about philosophical issues, economics and so on, but since the last election, the Totalitarians have just infested it.

Now some people there openly talk about eugenics and population reduction, literally, disguised under this “transhumanist” agenda. Rabid Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial is spreading there like wildfire:


Just horrible Anti-Semitism spread there shamelessly every single day by these scumbag Neo-Nazis, and apparently the moderation team doesn’t give a damn about it. This is just the recent Anti-Semitic posts that I found, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg, there are a lot worse things said there.

So it’s clear that the Libertarian movement is getting subverted by Neo-Nazis and White-Supremacists. We know the end goal of that movement. But not just that but even the “moderate” right-wingers who are not necessarily Anti-Semitic, even they are apologists for Totalitarianism since they support monarchism and severe restrictions to human liberty.

For instance most of the Alt-Right is not this extreme but even they have fetishes about monarchism, they say that the leftists are going out of control and we “need a strong man” to govern us and restore order. They have fetishes about “Law and Order” not about “Liberty and Freedom” like normal Libertarians, so even if they are not that extreme initially, it will still end up in tyranny sooner or later.

Keep in mind there were concentration camps in the British Empire during the Boer war and WW1, it was not Hitler that invented it, and similarly the Russian Tsar already had labor camps long before Lenin and Stalin gained power.

So monarchism is really no different, if it turns absolutist, which it does eventually, than Nazism or any other right-wing Totalitarian ideology. It’s it’s endgame.

I am very disgusted by these Neo-Nazi scumbags as well, I can’t believe people can take them seriously after the well known history of Nazism.


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Anyone critical of Jewish power is a neo-nazi?

They are horrible anti-semites spewing out well known anti-semitic lies like the judeo-bolshevism, that has been debunked many times:

I think history, as much as any subject, should be open to review. Don't you?


That is just anti-semitic nonsense, jews had very little to do with bolshevism, there were only a few jews like Trotsky but they were quicky purged by the totalitarians.

Interestingly Trotsky or for that matter Rosa Luxemburg in Germany were quicky purged by anti-semites, and the totalitarians took over.

Stalin was a huge anti-semite that put plenty of jews in labor camps and even tried to isolate them in the JAO:

Both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany was very anti-semitic, and jews suffered under both regimes.

Please do your research and stop spewing the anti-semitic propaganda.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Hundred_Years_Together I don't really see @cyrustheaverage spewing any anti-semitic propaganda?