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RE: What Political Policies to Support?

in #politics7 years ago

Let's start with "most cases". I mean that's just obviously untrue. There have been millions of immigrants to Europe in the past decade, the vast majority of whom have not committed any violent crimes.

I am not sure about the statistics but in Sweden, the immigrant problem has been on since the 70's. The crime rates immediately increased.

In South Europe the immigration is recent, especially since the Arab Spring, the crime wave hitting the EU is obvious.

But can you provide a single case where the so-called "good guy with a gun" actually stopped such an attack?

I have literally never heard anyone advocate for the forced removal of all privately owned firearms.

Yes they did. Even if they do it slowly, just chipping it away slowly so that it doesn't get noticed, and then you wake up disarmed one day. It's the boiling frog analogy.

And before you go thinking I'm some anti-gun nut, I'm not. I own a Mossberg 500. And while I do think the gun show loophole should be closed, I honestly don't care that much about this issue. What are a few dozen dead compared to the prospect of making the earth as a whole unlivable for future generations?

Good for you, I live in a gun free zone, obtaining a firearm here is nearly impossible except with extensive psychological evaluation and regular home inspections which sounds Orwellian. But a criminal can get a gun on the black market easily. Gun death are low, which is true, but stabbing deaths are enormous, especially bad for defenseless women who could get raped if they don't have means to defend themselves.

Thankfully I live in a decent suburb in the rich quarters, but I used to live in the city a while ago and let me tell you there are places there that you don't want to go into.

So if you have to travel through those zones for work or for commuting reasons, then the police won't be there to protect you.