I've been re-emerging myself in anarchism lately after over a decade of being away from it and a lot more life experience banked, and there's definitely misconceptions about it but its still just as beautiful to me as it was in my formative years :P
I've been toying with an idea recently with the working title of "Syndicated Network of Non-Partisan Constituents", or SYNNNC, that I'm going to keep building on that borrows largely from anarcho-syndicalism as a means to dissolve party politics.
Boiled down it would effectively staple an anarchist syndicate onto our existing government structure through the use of a syndicated union of local non-partisan constituency unions that provide a means for collective bargaining and local mobilization. Each local union would track changes in government, meet about them, discuss their grievances/poll on the legislation, and then delegate people to file those grievances with their representative based on their expertise relative the legislation being discussed. Non-delegates would be mobilized to share information from the meeting and contact their representatives as individuals, and the representative's decision on each piece of legislation would be tracked against the will of their constituency to paint a clear picture of which representatives just tow the party line as a means to mobilize voters to oust indentured party politicians.
At the national level, the syndicate would take the consensus of the local unions and provide a mechanism to use collective bargaining of the government and opposition (or house and senate if that's your thing :P). At a certain threshold of social mass, the goal would be to inspire more fear of being fired than there is fear of being back benched by the party to force politician's hands on providing fair, local representation as their job was intended to be, and by extension force the party to relinquish some of their control or be faced with a reduced number of seats in the next election cycle.
.... might have to dig that up and toss it up here to see if anyone has any feedback on what I've written so far :P