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RE: Donald Trump - Is The Definition Of Racist

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

First mistake is that you are taking CNN word for anything as they do nothing but bash the president. Second, the president says he never used those words, and third point is there are people who attended the meeting who said the president did not say what is being reported on CNN. Lastly, spend some time reviewing the man’s hiring history at his corporations and then tell me how racist he is.


@joseph, the title of this post is a complete lie. Just because Trump might think that Haiti is a shithole, doesn't mean that he's bigoted towards people based on their skin color. If Trump had a problem with people of ethnicities different than his own , then he wouldn't hire them. Now, that would be racist! Apparently though, Trump is so racist that he financed cataract surgery for poor Haitians.

yeah, seems it doesnt matter did he said it or not.

and seems obama is not racist for setting up slave markets in libya.

why do people still watch msm news? like theres no better ways to spend time. such boredom?

Could you provide a link to the space market story? I couldn’t find anything reputable outside of Alex Jones and such.

@travelersmemoire here is one that mentions the slave trade in Libya, and how it may be connected with the actions of the Obama administration.

it was reported in several news channel at the same time , if its true or not we will have to examine the facts and judge for ourselves

thats what i am talking about. i dont have time to spare on analyzing CNN content. their purpose is to make a subject out of it. and toss it to masses, so they can create 2 battling sides. news channels are root of the problem. and main cause of that problem is people who are still watching it.

thank on Rawdog.

You’re welcome. :)

How could you take this stance when Trump’s own Twitter supports this? I get that any news source is biased from CNN to FOX but surely Trump’s Twitter is 100% him!

Trumps Twitter supports that he has denied using this language in the meeting that is referenced in the post. If you are referring to something else then provide the examples of Trumps tweets being racist. I see no examples.

I‘m in Europe and our media is not reporting about Trump in an positive way. To be honest I‘m a bit wondering about your pro-trump statement, trying to defend him, as we always hear that he is changing his opinion pending on his mood. Also that he is contradicting himself all the time.

So your post is a bit refreshing, although I‘m still not confident about what trump has said or not based on always recurring circumstances related to Trump...

there are 3sides to every story, the accuser , the accused and the truth and in most cases the one falls on the side of the truth, before we judge lets examine all fact , he could be guilty or innocet, the truth speaks for itself