Are You Scared of Criminals Or Governments?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Did y’all know that only 10.5 million people are in prison across the world. That is 1/8 of 1% of the people on earth that we are supposed to be afraid of.

1 million people died either directly or indirectly from War this decade. 10 million have had their homes destroyed and become refugees.

The 20th century saw nearly 123 million people died at the hands of governments fighting other governments (war), or governments killing their own people (genocide).

Who should we fear more: each other, or an out of control government? One person can probably get away with killing 10-20 people before they got caught, if they are one of the few people on earth who would actually commit such a crime. One person with state authority over another can legally murder millions and never get second guessed.

As the Founding Fathers of America distrusted power in the hands of government, we should also, because when you hand over state authority to an individual, that individual will often use that authority in murderous ways. That is the case for limited government.


You have a minor typo in the following sentence:

One person can probably get away with killing 10-20 people before they got caught, if they are on of the few people on earth who would actually commit such a crime.
It should be one of the instead of on of the.