Of lesser evils, the west and of compromises

in #politics5 years ago

The west wants me to support it over china?
Okay, give me the right to keep a davy crocket in my shed and release and scrub the record of anyone whos been imprisoned for sexcrimes (or crimes commited during the arrest/attempted arrest of such a person, becouse if an arrest is illegal, courts did establish this, then even lethal force against the police officer in self defense is justified) since the first rape shield laws existed which was way before the end of segregation by the way and stop infringing on scientific freedom with your moralfagging, we couldve cloned humans since decades and severly geneticly modified humans, too.
Let us. Let us decide what substances we injest, smoke or inject, what technological modifications we have done to our bodies. My body, my choice.
If all that is given we can at least TALK about it, no promises.
Dont tell me one is as lesser evil, either. I dont support lesser evils.
If its so important to defeat the greater evil that you ask me to ignore my convictions to defeat the greater evil, how about you ignore yours and actualy become a good rather than an evil? Yeah, it only ever goes one way, does it?
Well, forget about it then.
