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RE: No, Money is Not Theft

in #politics6 years ago

Good to hear. Even if my responses might sound a bit blunt at times, I actually enjoy these kinds of conversations. I think it's important to defend my own positions or change them, just as I believe it is important for other people to do the same.

But, as I somewhat stated in my other reply, that is why some of your arguments I fundamentally ignore. They implicitly suggest I am attacking a strawman by redefining terms or focusing on certain things, while I am actually arguing against a very real position someone held that I was originally responding to. The definitions I used are, as far as I know, accurate definitions in reference to his positions.

The main example of this is socialism. If you define socialism as simply a group of people voluntarily pooling resources without keeping score, then I'm all for those systems. But that's not how socialists typically define it in their suggested policies.