Credibility of zero? Because I don't have a degree in economics and apparently conflated Marxism, which are the collective theories of Karl Marx, with Socialism, heavily influenced by Karl Marx? To the point where a google search of "father of socialism" literally produces a picture of Karl Marx? And I have no credibility because of that?
That is what I call splitting hairs and deliberately misunderstanding my points. I have never met a communist, socialist, or marxist that gave me intelligent distinctions between these ideologies. Usually, it boils down to putting anything negative(like genocide, starvation, coercion, etc.) on communism or marxism while claiming socialism is something else entirely. It's a cheap tactic, and doesn't change anything of substance. Playing games with definitions like this hurts discourse rather than facilitating it, and increases ignorance rather than decreasing it. Which is why the people who do this are those uninterested in conversation, and more interested with being merely perceived as intelligent.
If you don't want to have conversations with people you consider beneath you, then yes, I agree; we are done here. I do not enjoy speaking with self righteous intellectuals lacking an ability to communicate coherently.
The definitions are out there. You are the one not abiding by them because you have done zero research into the topic. Incidentally on a Google search Marx does not come up as the father of socialism. Robert Owen comes up as the father of British socialism and by default American socialism as he moved to the States and founded New Bethlehem. Henri de Saint Simon, Charles Fourier and Pierre Leroux, are the founders of French.
I'm sure you don't enjoy speaking with self righteous intelectuals however the way to get on level pegging terms with them is to at least do the bare minimum of research. You have to be able to back up your ideas.
You could have said that a google search is not the deciding factor of truth, but instead you said I was wrong. YOU are the one who is wrong. Now, perhaps google tailored results for me specifically, but it sounds like from your descriptions that you specifically used different search terms to get different results that were more specific to what you wanted to find.
Here is proof. Father of socialism shows Karl Marx specifically, stating he will "forever be most closely associated with socialism and communism".

You see that "s"? If you had bothered to read the book, which I know you haven't and I have, you will find that it talks about the people that inspired Marx.
You really can't accept being wrong, can you? I stated:
"... a google search of "father of socialism" literally produces a picture of Karl Marx"
Then you said:
"Incidentally on a Google search Marx does not come up as the father of socialism."
I wasn't trying to say Karl Marx was solely responsible for socialism and marxism, thus making them the same thing. That's retarded. I was showing they are very tightly associated in the public consciousness, which if you had the reading comprehension befitting an academic, you might have then gone on to realize my entire set of arguments throughout this were premised on the current cultural understandings of socialism, NOT the more academic definitions that they have been distorted from over time.
I did not, nor have I ever, claim to be an academic giving a lecture on socialism. I'm a dude who wrote a blog about why property being theft is ridiculous and unworkable, and how people are reaching such a conclusion while also advocating for a philosophy both they and I understand informally as Socialism. I wrote this blog for fun, and for discussion... not because I believe myself to be an authority on economics due to an extensive education on the subject.
Suggesting only the elite of society can speak their mind on these subjects, as only they can afford the prestigious college tuition plus leisure time to have read all the requisite literature written by the authoritative thought leaders, is the essence of the social elitism I absolutely despise. I was on the fence about going after lofty "intellectuals" such as the skeptics, social media communists, internet scholars, and self proclaimed authorities on all subjects too intricate for the common man any harder than I already have. But this exchange specifically tells me that such condescending nose-snubbers deserve more than a little bit of mockery to bring them back down to earth.
If you follow my feed, you better get ready. Probably not immediately, but at some point, I'm going to really start torching people who think they are better than everyone else. Thanks for the motivation.
As the book describes Marx's influences, the fathers of socialism. I would suggest that your arrogance prevents you from backing down.
It is both hysterical and sad that you find education elitist. It is clear that your goal is to revel in your own ignorance.
And that really is done
I don't find education elitist. I find it elitist to suggest I can't speak on a certain subject because I don't have the free time between my full time job and other hobbies to read multiple books written about, and by, people whose ideas caused, or at least were used to justify, massive starvation and genocide. All simply because that would lead me to use "Marxism" instead of the word "Socialism", despite the fact that the majority of people I have discussed with on this topic were able to understand it just fine. Because, as I said, Socialism has a different social meaning than academic meaning.
The "elitist" attitude I despise is when a supposed education of higher learning somehow makes you less capable of communicating effectively with your fellow man. I have a college education(just not in economics), but I never try to lord that over people or insult them with my credentials. That's not being an intellectual, that's just being a douchebag.
You were FACTUALLY wrong. I showed you how you were FACTUALLY wrong in that screenshot. And still you pivot and mince words. What a waste of time for a self proclaimed intellectual. Maybe go do something more productive and more befitting your education than touting your education on social media in a futile attempt to feel superior. Maybe write a book or something, using your obviously unmatched intellect that puts us common folk to shame.