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RE: Left vs Right, Democrat vs Republican, Black vs White, Rich vs Poor, and the illusion...

in #politics8 years ago

Whoever controls the flow of information controls the world. This is what both sides of the illusion understood when mass media was in it's infancy (ie. radio, movies, newspapers and later TV). On the "left" it was Beria in Stalin's USSR on the "right" it was Goebbels in Hitler's Germany. The puppet-masters in the US & UK just pulled the strings and we all danced to their tune.

The only way people will ever wake up is if they get unbiased information. Thanks largely to the internet, this is happening. Whether or not it will be on large enough scale remains to be seen. The disinformation apparatus is vast and masterfully constructed, thanks largely to Tavistock Institute and their network... which is too large to enumerate in this short a venue.

As always excellent work!!! Upped & RS'd!


unbiased information

Unbiased information is "It is Wednesday the 14th of June 2017 and it is raining here". Maybe.

Everything else is biased opinion. And if you are of different opinion.... well, there we have it. QED

The internet is not unbiased. In fact, its far easier to spread bias via online means.

The internet is just a tool, unless it's being manipulated like Y-Tube, Fakebook etc. However, trying to get truth out any other way is impossible, because we know that's being controlled.