Why do us Americans allow Congress to Continue their Hypocrisy?

in #politics8 years ago

Hypocrisy (n) the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.

The Oath:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

We elect them to work...

Here are the number of legislative days for the House and Senate each year in recent history:

  • 2016: 131 in the House, 165 in the Senate.
  • 2015: 157 in the House, 168 in the Senate.
  • 2014: 135 in the House, 136 in the Senate.
  • 2013: 159 in the House, 156 in the Senate.
  • 2012: 153 in the House, 153 in the Senate.
  • 2011: 175 in the House, 170 in the Senate.
  • 2010: 127 in the House, 158 in the Senate.
  • 2009: 159 in the House, 191 in the Senate.
  • 2008: 119 in the House, 184 in the Senate.
  • 2007: 164 in the House, 190 in the Senate.
  • 2006: 101 in the House, 138 in the Senate.
  • 2005: 120 in the House, 159 in the Senate.
  • 2004: 110 in the House, 133 in the Senate.
  • 2003: 133 in the House, 167 in the Senate.
  • 2002: 123 in the House, 149 in the Senate.
  • 2001: 143 in the House, 173 in the Senate.

  Those are the facts.  To their defense one day can technically last longer the 24hrs but we all know that only happens when they are about to default on paying our bills.  They sit up there in their high chairs ad tell us what we can and can't do.  Why do we allow this.  Why do we allow a two party system that is pretty much a toss up every 2-8 years?

  Republican identify themselves as conservatives, but there is absolutely nothing conservative about the $17 trillion we owe to god knows who.  Democrats, a.k.a. progressives pretty much go with the flow.  Enough has to be enough.  Those seat that are filled in Washington D.C. were never intended to be career jobs, held for 34 years (Hon. John McCain).  Are those "Baby Boomers" who currently serve still "Hip" to the times?  Or are they dinosaurs collecting $174k a year and a hefty pension when the leave?  

  More regular people need to run for office and make some real change.  Shutting down the Federal Reserve, the institution that will single handedly send the U.S. into 3rd world status.  Legalize Cannabis!  Take the profit out of jails.  End the war on drugs completely and have some compassion toward people who are addicted to big pharma the legal drug dealer.  Hmm... What else?  Single payer health system, an actual emphasis on education, trade schools.  The list goes on and on about what they can be dealing with, but instead they are on recess after a 10 day holiday weekend, and we keep paying their salaries.

  This is my first story on steemit and I will be doing more and more research the more I get the hang of all of this and I hope to satisfy the politically hungry minds out there to engage in constructional debate and brainstorming from a decentralized platform.