"There is no political system where all benefit. That is not only unrealistically utopic but scientifically impossible."
Huh, 'scientifically impossible' an interesting combination of words...
Now, is there no system, or just none that you have thought of? I realize our present dominant culture is filled with examples supporting your claim. However, there were/are societies that would beg to differ...
I believe your political claims are true within a singular economic reality. That is of one dominated by private property and self-interest. Create an economic reality where cooperation is key and private property (opposed to personal property) doesn't exist and vastly different political systems would emerge.
So, not impossible... Just difficult to imagine. :)
Give me one example then. Show me one instance in our world where a group of people is treated the exact same all the time.
It is impossible because inequality is what makes the world goes round — from the periodic table of elements to human culture.
I would use the word diversity opposed to inequality (this word has gained too many negative connotations) personal preference. However, you said:
Assuming that our barbaric system of exploitation of others is somehow natural and there is nothing we can do about it... (What I gathered from your article, correct me if I'm wrong)
I could find several examples for you, as there are plenty of cultures outside our dominant paradigm (some existing today and many far gone). However, one will do.
The !kung:
"These San (!Kung) are not devoid of leadership, but neither are they dependent on it in the slightest."
It is possible to create political systems that equally benefit people. Even though people are born diverse(unequal) they can still be brought up in a system that is equitable.
I find too often that excuse of "human behavior", to justify our paradigms systems. Just because it has been the leading narrative of our dominant culture (from where our 'research' is conducted. Noting that this research fast falls apart in other human societies) as far back as recorded history goes.
This does not make it the only story. Humans are and have been living on this planet with wildly diverse political and economic systems. Some more equitable and in balance with the natural world, some more destructive and self-serving (for those who run it).
Capitalism hasn't fallen far from the feudalism tree where the few own the many and justifications of 'it's just the way it is' keep the peons in line. Before it was god saying so, now it's just science...
Your example cannot be applied on larger groups. Indigenous people living in small groups do not count because they function more like families. Even so, there are still degrees of power, just not so evident or in a mass scale.
Upon further reading of yours, I found this
"Truth is a human construct and therefore subjective to interpretation and point of examination." - kyriacos
Thought it might be applicable ;)
very much so. we are all students here :)