whats happening in peru!?!?!?!??

in #politics8 years ago

hello my dear steemians

today i was walkiing the street of lima peru.
in the center of the city there was a big march of teacher.

imagine a cop earns 4000 soles a teacher 1000 soles

1$ = 3.23 soles

so imagine the fundaments of this country suck

how the hell is this possible that a teacher is less worth than a cop??
every body can be a freaking cop you dont need any type of knowledge but to be a teacher you have to be
some body.

i wasent a good student at all i hated my teachers all of them seriously im not kidding thats probably why my english is so bad
hahah noo sadly never had english lessons so im sorry :D

lets go back on my walk in the city center of lima i walk talking to some teacher what they want and what actualy happening because i not a media persone if the media says this is red trust me i see it different so i talked to them.
realy amazing people they are so kind and so good all of them just want that this country can sucseed from the misery and the corruption in every stree.

so the teachers in peru dont eaven want more money the only thing they want is some respect of theyr work and
the moust important thing is a new rule who came out here in peru that the teacher have to be evaluated.
that means not that theyre not ok with it but if you go one bad vote they can and will fire you.

so siince over 2 weeks they are marching around protesting for theyre rights and imagine what the cop do on a realy peacfull march!? they trow today several gas bombs sorry my ignorance to dont know the exact name its like a granate with gas inside that gives you breave and eye problem.

it crazy how the policed used theyre strategy to force the teacher in one direction with closing streets for them so when they reach the end of the march, they stud in the front of a wall without any excape posibility . imagine they storm the place trow several of this granades in the middle and all the teacher and simpatisants and than they left.. all the teacher who where demostrationg realy peace fully not eaven garbisch the trow on the streets and than you see this i was so shoecked and in a bad mode after seeing this that i thot i have to write abaut it- let see what you guys think abaut it.

they best part of the day was when i saw one of this cops who was involved in the trowing the granades walked to a teacher and i dont know what he said but it coud have been one day his teacher. on defens of the cops they where just following orders that i know too but still they coud have said no this people here educated us and they will keep doing it we shoud show them some respect and trow this granades in the congress where the realy corrupt ones seat.
thanks for reading

hope you respect youre teachers eaven you hated them like i did mine :D

picture of the day with original photografer name
this guy uploadet this picture is an teacher. friend of mine
i asked to use this picture thanks for sharing this important post