A free market is a market without regulation. What type of regulation and maintenance are you referring to? Do you look at the market today as a free market? Many things on the "black market" would be legal under a true free market; drugs, prostitution, ext.
I think the current market has it's problems and while it is not absolutely free, it still qualifies as free. I would say a prosperous free market will have a very hard time existing without regulation and oversight as there are some limitations that are needed to ensure fairness, prosperity and safety.
For instance, you need a way to make contracts enforcible which comes with regulations, limitations and some form of government body that can undo wrongs and issue penalties. Additionally, there are things that could be arguably unsafe or immoral to trade freely and while current regulations might be viewed as too stringent, having no regulation whatsoever comes with its own caveats and dangers.
If the government doesn't own anything, which it doesn't, than anything it gain it took from someone else.
Technically speaking, it does. All governments own things and some claim ownership of the natural resources of the countries they govern. Supposedly the citizens of the country own those things and the government is kind of a proxy.
Sure, abiding by any laws is not voluntary and that includes both crimes most people agree are a problem and taxation. Can you propose a system that would work better? If abiding by the laws was voluntary, the laws would be mute and unjust acts hurting people would easily become rampant as they will be left unpunished, isn't that the case?
The argument that the "government prints the money" does not mean that the government has ownership. It simple created a monopoly on exchange of currency, forcing people to be paid and trade in its fiat currency. However, the wealth created for which the person was paid the fiat currency was created by a private individual or business.
Please notice that this is not the argument I was or am making. I'm saying that the value created by the private individual or business was created as part of an organized economy with publicly funded infrastructure, law enforcement and some level of stability provided by a government. Can you propose a system that would work equally well without taxation? Can you propose a system that would work equally well without any government?
I think this is the best system we've managed to come up with so far and since it requires taxation to function and all participants benefit from having this system in place, taxation should not be viewed as theft but as a necessity and as a logical part of the so-called social contract.