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RE: The Donald and the Deep State

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Is nationalism truly antithetical to globalism, @micahspiller ? Weren't the last three periods of increased central control (the global gold standard of the mid-1800s, post-WWI, and post-WWII) preceded by periods of intense nationalism?

Looking back at the past 200 years of the Anglo-American Establishment, one is hard-pressed to find an example of nationalistic fervor that isn't eventually spun into greater centralized control...


I guess it all depends upon whether Trump is truly in it to make a positive change, or if he's just putting on a really good front. My gut feeling is that he wants to make that positive change because he's woke people up from the hypnosis that mainstream media had America under which threatens the very existence of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds in this world. Besides, with web3.0 coming into existence, it will be very difficult for anything to be centralized.