I have worked for the government for almost 25 years, and I agree 100% with everything you said. Government is heartless, inept, and most of the people running it are appointed political hacks, not career employees that actually have experience.
That was when I decided that no way no how would I ever want the government making any type of decisions or controlling my health care.
I'm not ready yet, but I plan to write about how my government employer in a liberal state treated me after I lost my hearing suddenly. It was NOT good. Funny thing is that if any private sector employer did what they did, the same state government agencies would have gone after them to get some sort of fine (not because they really care).
Ain't that some shit. Sorry to hear that.
That's another aspect of the situation: treat your employees like crap, get crappy output. Government jobs do not reward competitively, but they can be easy at least. Good recipe for apathy.
I'll look forward to your story.