Well hello there @ronahi, so just a few thoughts.
This is certainly an upgrade from the usual responses that have been offered by Kurds such as yourself that are desperately trying to keep the mainstream media's version of events front and center and bury any sort of information that goes against your romanticized image.
Although I commend you for taking the time to write this retort it's juvenile to think that this is anything but an entirely biased emotionally driven response to my factual article.
You didn't do much other than referring to my work as "racist", and a "conspiracy theory" which is pretty typical and expected
Downvoting all of my articles with 100% of your steam and assembling an army of other biased steemit users to battle my posts will certainly do you more harm than good because I have done extensive research on this topic as well as others and as much as you try to garner emotional support it can not stand the weight of my facts.
So here is a recommendation, focus more on your cause, tell your fellow Kurdish brothers and sisters not to allow themselves to be pawns for imperialists. You have been used in the past and are being used at this very moment. Encourage unity among your people. The infighting between the Kurdish factions is really not helping your global image. Have the Talabani PUK, and Barzani KDP make peace rather than war. Then.. maybe.. you will actually have a chance at independence. Also, maybe lay off the land grabbing, ethnic cleansing, kidnapping of children and turning them into child soldiers, also.. I haven't written about the prevalance of female genital mutilation in the Kurdish community but have a talk with these women and explain how dangerous and unnecessary this practice is which btw Kurds practice more than any other ethnicity in the Middle East and yes.. there are facts that back that up my dear.
Simply resorting to ad homimens and logical fallacies will not get you far, because whatever you choose to throw at me in that regard you can rest assured that I have heard it from others and it's not going to affect me.
Take care.. and to the other people on this post and specifically @bloom I notice your downvotes and will be bringing them to some whale's attention if you continue playing games. :-)
Salaam everyone
@clarityofsignal @stellabella @lyndsaybowes @ausitbank @drdave @likedeeler @informationwar @arabisouri @melih @way-truth-light @v4vapid @distress2success @chieppa1 @atnicholson @valued-customer @clumsysilverdad @fortified @evehuman @holear @insiders
Although I hate to drag you here I would like to bring this post to your attention and my response is written in the above comment.
Please take a note of this account and @bloom who are on a mission to slander, libel, and downvote my posts... for the simple reason of not wanting unflattering information exposed to the outside world. Biased censorship was something I was happy to see absent from this platform but it appears that it does go on but is more hidden. I only found this post while doing some digging and trying to see who was continuously downvoting my articles and why. Of course, I was not at all surprised to see that it was a "Kurdish activist". I am not sure what the normal protocol is in these things but I would like to know why @ronahi is able to downvote my posts in an attempt to censor and silence me solely based on his biased views. Thank you for your time.
Read above post and comments, you (and your post) were tagged several times. It took you long enough to accidentally stumble on something you were actually tagged in. My mission was to reveal the truth behind your heinous writings about the Kurds, that's all.
Reposting Sarah's comment that you hid. Please debate posters on their merits rather than attempting to censor the information that others provide.
Although I hate to drag you here I would like to bring this post to your attention and my response is written in the above comment.
@clarityofsignal @stellabella @lyndsaybowes @ausitbank @drdave @likedeeler @informationwar @arabisouri @melih @way-truth-light @v4vapid @distress2success @chieppa1 @atnicholson @valued-customer @clumsysilverdad @fortified @evehuman @holear @insiders Please take a note of this account and @bloom who are on a mission to slander, libel, and downvote my posts... for the simple reason of not wanting unflattering information exposed to the outside world. Biased censorship was something I was happy to see absent from this platform but it appears that it does go on but is more hidden. I only found this post while doing some digging and trying to see who was continuously downvoting my articles and why. Of course, I was not at all surprised to see that it was a "Kurdish activist". I am not sure what the normal protocol is in these things but I would like to know why @ronahi is able to downvote my posts in an attempt to censor and silence me solely based on his biased views. Thank you for your time.
Thank you @clarityofsignal I appreciate you unhiding my comments. Bloom and his sidekick ronahi have shown us all that they prefer to play dirty.