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RE: Racism and slander against Kurds on steemit

in #politics7 years ago

@ronahi do you know what a gentleman would have done? He would have questioned me either on my posts, or tagged me and had a civil debate. What you chose to do, however, is create a smear campaign laced with insults, libel, slander, all in an attempt to garner emotional support for your cause by vilifying me. I find that to be a sign of weakness. You chose to do something in the shadows that I might have never seen had it not been by sheer coincidence that I looking at

A wolf in sheep's clothing would be a very accurate description of what and who you are dear ronahi.


Again, I tagged you and your post as bright as day, luckily you're a good investigator.Dear @sarahabed, please quote any insults within the article. Posting a criticism of your overwhelmingly insulting and heinous work on my people doesn't constitute as a civil debate ? I'd bet it does. So I created a smear campaign on a smear campaigner ? Seems legit from where I'm standing.

Have a nice day or night.

If one reads between the lines on this attached Reuters article, its clear to see where 'ISIS' evaporated to in the SDF areas. The FSA/ISIS simply took on a new name under the SDF/YPG banner. The article even alludes to Arab fighters.

Excerpt: The YPG is fighting under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which includes Arab fighters. In separate comments to the Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awsat newspaper published on Wednesday, Hemo said the United States had established seven military bases in areas of northern Syria controlled by the YPG or SDF, including a major airbase near Kobani, a town at the border with Turkey.
Citing operational security, the coalition said it did not confirm or deny information about “specific capabilities, force numbers, locations or movement of forces in Iraq and Syria”.

The rest of the above article is mostly BS, easy to see as the US has backed the terrorists all along as proven by my many articles here at Steemit and at Clarity of Signal. Reuters is, of course, one of the lead propaganda disseminators for the US Deep State (read Zionists) and thus should always be looked at quite skeptically. This Kurdish state has long been in the works by the Zionists who control US foreign policy and the recent dropping of the independence referendum was actually all part of the plan in order to bring the larger western/Zionist controlled Kurdish state into existence.

For those that have been paying attention, the US was never fighting ISIS in Syria and has instead been using them as proxy army to destabilize and take over the country. Now they are trying to reshape the narrative around the Kurds who have sold themselves out regardless of what Ronahi states here at Steemit. The US was always planning on this plan as a backup to their FSA terrorists who have experienced defeat across Syria. The Kurdish 'leadership' in their desperation and desire for globalist compensation and a possible state of their own, simply are willing to align with Saudi Arabia's terrorists and the Zionists of Israel for self enrichment. They have never really fought ISIS either. Now 'ISIS' suddenly signs a deal with them and hands over the oil fields. Its sadly comical. What has really happened was that ISIS simply switched uniforms and accepted another new name change. Southfront has more on the oil handover from 'ISIS' to the Kurds.

For folks wanting to know what is really going on with the Kurdish ruse, I recommend checking out Syriana Analysis as he is always well on top of the Deep States/Zionist BS, as well as being well up on the actions of Turkey and the Saudi backed terrorists in Idlib.

Note that Syrian and Russian Armed Forces have recently cleared the last major city held by ISIS before the oil fields and that the ISIS fighters suddenly have disappeared? Where do folks think they slipped away to? Of course they went into the nearby Kurdish regions where the regrouping and renaming is taking place under the control of the US military advisors (read special forces) at those 7 new bases established by the Empire on Syrian territory. I put together a large post showing the weapons they left behind as the SAA advanced on al-Mayhideen. Keep in mind that the US Deep State never worries about the loss of weapons or them falling into the hands of ISIS/al-Qaeda, this is because they make massive amounts of money by ripping off the US taxpayers and getting the MIC to produce new weapons contracts that pay huge gains on the stock market for insiders. All part of the spiraling, bloated, unregulated MIC working hand in hand with the terrorists.

And Sarah, keep up the good work fighting for your country. You have my respect and from what I have seen on the Internet, the respect of a great deal of others. The difference between you and the peroson you are debating here is that you have a a good, pure heart and have been fighting for getting the truth out about all the western, Gulf State and Zionist deception in Syria, while have been fighting for getting the truth out about all the western, Gulf State and Zionist deception in Syria, while they are simply being deceptive. Peace to you.

Where is my tiny foil hat when I need it ?
This what happens when you are braindead embarked on a journey of disillusion.

We lost over 3000 fighters against daesh in Rojava alone. Over 5000 Yazidi women were kidnapped, raped and sold into slavery, their men massacred and buried in mass graves. Kurdish peshmerga fighters were tortured, beheaded or killed in different barbaric ways. We lost brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers in the fight against Daeshbags. We are religiously diverse, we have Muslims, Alevis, Chiites, Yazidis, Christians, Jews and atheists. Our values, principals and ideologies have absolutely nothing to do with those of daeshbags.

So how the fuck dare you say we are allied with fucking daesh ? Do you think this is fucking chess game ? with your bullshit brainwashed analysis. Tell me how would female YPJ fighters (feminists/communalist anarcho-libertarians) get along with daeshbag fighters, you moron ?

We would be better off with imperialists zionist seeking to create a Kurdish state (which isn't the case anyway) than with braindead morons seeking to oppress and deny our identity and rights. So I will respectfully ask you to GO FUCK YOURSELF.
