I don't fully agree. I can imagine you've read Atlas Shrugged?
Roger Veer and The "Tinfoil Vigilante" ( I laughed, although I kind of like him..even if he is a little bit too sure about his opinions..like "they're basically ALL pedofiles") are Libertarians and Ancaps. And if you identify as that too, you must acknowledge that taxation is theft.
Ayn Rand legitimizes theft when the theft is based on taking back what others took from you. Ragnar Danneskjold steals from the Government the money in which the movers of the world (Hank Rearden et al) has been stolen from. He then gives it back to the creators/movers.
Roger Veer doesn't want to pay taxes. He doesn't want to be forced to pay taxes, and he moves somewhere he doesn't have to. He is in his own mind not responsible for other people than himself. A true Ancap. I agree with him 100%, and if what you write is true I respect him even more. It takes balls to be someone like Roger Veer or The tinfoil vigilante.
He is just true to his own ideals. He's not out there to help you and me by giving us money. He is however an inspiration to people. AND I suppose he is investing in companies and spreading knowledge and information. I don't want his money(taxes). I want him to be free and left alone if he wants to.
I never said anything about taxes. I simply stated that he prefers to make his own country instead of joining one and still don't pay taxes. Read the article again
But why should he have to pay any taxes?
He shouldn't. Taxation IS theft but this whole thing is not about taxation. Even CEO's of big companies try to pay as least as possible by covering their asses under corporations.
The point here is that he is not choosing to live in an established nation that adheres to his values and rather decides to build his own kingdom.
I dont see the problem..so he should be forced to live in that all ready established society? No?
None. All I am saying is that he is no different that any other person, libertarian or not, holding bitcoin or fiat. The article was aimed to say that we are all looking after our own asses. The narrative we use about ideologies and all that is bullshit.
Thing is, you are just speculating. What do you know about Roger Ver and his values and motives? Nothing. What do you know about a Roger Ver puppet you created in your mind? Apparently a lot.
actions speak louder than words. I know enough from the way he acts publicly about issues. Quite straight forward actually.
How about your actions, though? One day you may want to start to use the energy you spend on evaluating the behavior of others to take a good look at yourself instead.
You 'adhere to an-cap ideals', but you didn't move to liberland now did you? Care to explain why what proves that R.V. is full of shit does not prove the same about you? I have a feeling you are not creating a free country of your own either. But hey, you are the judge, right? Problem is just that while you are judging others your ego is unchecked and riding you like a donkey while telling you that you know everything...
And you believe it and run with it.
I wish you can stop at some point, take a deep breath and ask yourself how this is working out for you. Good luck!