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RE: Ilhan Omar Smacks Down Elliott Abrams In Front Of Everybody

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Probably too late, the system can't be fixed, not like this, she will get chewed up and spit out.

Wellstone had a strong following, a bus, some great ideas, and then a conveniently timed plane crash with the whole family on board made for a tragic ending.

I doubt much will happen, she is just another useful idiot for the establishment that will be discarded in one way or another.

In China they have an expression, "kill the chicken to scare the monkey" this strategy is quite effective.


I don't think she can last. But there is a path if she actually wanted to. There are outspoken antiwar voices in Congress, but you have to do at it with a little more knowledge in hand and argue a bit better.

They are gunning for her because of AIPAC and her background anyway.

Seeing people fight on the side of Elliott Abrams is so sad.

This goes way beyond government.

The military, I.T., media, agricultural, and pharmaceutical industrial complex won't tolerate anyone in a position of mass media influence questioning the "official" narrative very long.

Its stunning that there are so many that are "pro war".

War is great for business, most fail to grasp the reality that we are in the final stages of war on human consciousness.

Its a huge soul crushing machine.