I've always been suspicious of our agenda in Guam. I remember seeing Bernie Sander's brother sitting in the Guam section at a rally (Which is very odd...in itself. I did not know their population voted in our elections. I knew it was a "U.S. territory"...but, won't pretend to understand the legalities of what that is. Hell, we've been misled and lied to about what's going on here on this land. I can only imagine what a military base (on the other side of the world) claims to be defending.
Yesterday I found out about this lawsuit against high officials operating a sex abuse network. Allegedly, teachers, boy-scout leaders and Heads of the Catholic Church were all involved. Oy Vey.
I wake up today to hear this crap about North Korea threatening to Nuke them. Seeing as we know we've been lied to about everything about everything....is all this a coincidence? Could any of this be related? When does "Guam" ever come up in conversation...let alone the news. It'll be curious to see how this unfolds. Seems like it's all just part of the show...but, certainly not business as usual. Why would North Korea announce their attack? And why Guam...of all other possible places? I think something really good may be going on here....as strange as that may sound.
(Ed from the Outer Light covers the scandal in depth, well done)
Trump threatens North Korea with ‘fire & fury like the world has never seen’
Larry Sanders Casts Vote for overseas (Guam section)
Late reply to your post. You apparently know very little when it comes to worldwide military support. Guam is used by the U.S. Navy as ship replenishment and repair, and the Air Force occupies the same as forward air defense, mostly in support of our allies. If it wasn't for our presence in the Western Pacific for so many years, the hemisphere's shipping lanes would be filled with piracy and there would be no stability in this part of the world. NOKO threatened Guam only because they can't be sure of reaching HI or the mainland with their unreliable missiles. And contrary to what another comment implied, the U.S. don't go around "killing everybody." That is an ignorant statement.
From my experience its all fake so they can depopulate the world. The USA kills everybody and we have the weapons and military to do it. Korea would be insane to start anything for real. I say its staged and they probably will have a conflict to make some money and off a few more people.
I had to laugh when I heard on the news earlier that "the super secret state of North Korea was planning on attacking Guam" so good at keeping secrets that the whole world knows about it. The worlds a stage , its all an act and not even a very convincing one anymore.
Apparently North Korea's missles can't make it to the Vatican yet !
Oh, and while many Guamanians have served their country with honor, they cannot vote in national elections.