PLEASE - Do NOT vote for Conservatives if you care for STEEM

in #politics8 years ago

Apologies for the click-bait title, but voting day is today (it's 5 AM in the UK as I write this post)

What are the conservatives (Theresa May) going to do?

  • Ban encryption
  • Reduce freedom of speech (goodbye Steemit)
  • Create a "UK Intranet" (I'm sure Steemit will definitely not be allowed here)
  • Privatise the NHS
  • Continue tuition fees for students (University is COMPLETELY FREE in most of Europe now...)
  • Cut benefits even more

While I don't agree with all of Labour's policies, they're our best bet to stop the UK turning into a dictatorship. I would personally prefer Pirate Party, or even the Lib Dems, but because we have such a terrible voting system, I'm going to be voting Labour.

We're so close to beating the Tories! It just needs YOU to vote! Don't be brain-washed by the right-wing parties.


Maybe that could help a little.

It's terrible, @someguy123! I actually heard Theresa May say on CNN last Sunday after the terrorist attack that the government really needs to look into encryption among other concerns she mentioned. Immediately my mind went to steemit and thought about how the UK government is planning to 'kill' blockchain technology and all others that are encrypted. She must not win! I have forwarded this post already to my friends and relatives living in the U.K. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted & resteemed post. STEEM ON!

And what will the liberals do to fix things? Have you read much about the effects of socialism? Take a good look at Venezuela.

Good question. And good point. I have read everything on this post, not really much in the way of substantive comments. Only name-calling, insulting, and vitriol. Is it common for so many to not actually be armed with facts regarding real policies, laws and legislation made or proposed by Theresa May and their actual short term and long term effects on the citizens of her country as well as neighbors and allies?

Theresa May is authoritarian trash. The problem is, other, less monstrous candidates are not to be seen. None of the options are good.

this is not about left or right, but about freedom of speech.
Theresa May wants to bring in a level of censorship and tyranny to outdo North Korea, and all this after 2 ridiculously fake terror attacks.
Steemit will no doubt be blacklisted if it doesn't comply to her new laws.
Labour and Corbyn ain't that much bettter (they let the snooper charter go through without a whim!) but again the only option is the lesser of 2 evils...

What a bummer. It always seems that those are the only two options.

Having to pretend that Jeremy Corbyn is capable - you now know how certain US citizens felt last election.

I also wrote a post on the "ban encryption" idea that May had here:

Theresa may I can tell is just evil. I havnt heard anything good about her yet.

There's nothing good to hear. She's the typical kind of anti-human establishment trash that think they're superior to the rest of us. She used to work for the private central bank the Bank of England, so is it any surprise?

Or just admit that politics is fundamentally broken system and stop participating in it. It doesn't matter who you vote for, the system will still produce bad things. By focusing on the bad things produced by the system, you are just diverting yourself from creating good things and making the world better place.

If voting changed anything they would make it illegal. (Like they are trying to do to crypto wonder why?)

Completely right. If voting was such a threat to the establishment then how come the establishment bullies people relentlessly to get them to vote. Nope, sorry, i'm not going to pick a slavemaster for myself and for everyone else. I have some self respect.

With May out of picture, I hope there is no Brexit and British people avoid upcoming political nightmares... "No Brexit is better than a bad deal"

Conservative must have a different meaning in the UK than it does in the US. Yes I admit I'm an American (technically anyway, in reality I'm an crypto-anarchist)., and I don't pay much attention to the UK. Everything I hear about the UK makes it seem like a lost cause in terms of freedom. It looks like your Conservatives are much like our DemoRepublicans (Democrats and Republicans are basically the same thing in the US...both of them want to destroy Freedom, Liberty, and basically everything good that America used to be). So good on you for being politically active.

Ban encryption

Good luck with that. That's like banning math.

That's the wittiest comment I ever heard so far. LOL.

Yep, it's pretty clear that most politicians have no idea how technology works!

I think right wing left wing are all the same. History has shown that left wing is worst for a country's economic system as more regulations and higher taxes create less jobs. Currency value tend to go lower as the left constantly attacks the middle class all though they always campaign that they are for the people. Liberal policies work until you run out of peoples money. Here is the USA liberal policies has caused 45% inflation from the year 2000-2017. States like California where I reside have seen inflation up to 68% and is the most expensive place to live in the USA. Been under left control for decades. Detroit another good example been under control of the left for over 60 years that city is dead, other then the auto sector everything else is gone.

It sounds like a case of a lefty posing as a conservative with this theresa. The right has always been for less government and the left more has it not? A censored internet sounds like a lefties wet dream to be frank. Either way the notion of a chick leader is insane.

Bottom line is financial systems will crash globally South Africa just went into a recession. This time China will be the cause of this financial collapse with their huge debt bubble, causing US dollar to no longer being the world reserve currency. Look what happen to England during WW2 they lost reserve currency status because of big government. Repeating the same mistakes.

You are joking, right? The right meddles much more with people's private lives than the left, look at the republicans. The democrats are a right wing party as well though. And your comment about a chick leader is beyond pathetic.

I like Steemit because I get so many different opinions like this one. I wasn't worried about this until now so I appreciate you helping me get more aware.

They're two sides of the same coin. There is no real choice

Overconfidence gonna Kill May, in june

I'm keeping everything crossed. I am British but don't live there. TM is an out of touch, witch looking bitch who has no place in a progressive Britain and certainly she won't get anywhere near a good deal in Brexit negotiations. Corbyn all the way

Theresa May....dislike.....

Strong words haha


I delegated my voting power, it's in good hands. 1984 was a novel not a manual!

click here!This post received an 34% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @fyrstikken! For more information on @randowhale

Politcal party based on Steemit philosophy now! Beat facebook at their pledge for universal income

Its not free when you pay for it with taxes

I share this News Host's opinion about the Daily Mail.

i am not so much in this kind of stuff but i guess Its not free when you pay for it with taxes @someguy123

seems like Theresa May and her policies would be a disaster to the U.K...

It's going to be tough to get the Tories out. A lot of people vote for their personal interests, eg lower taxes. Labour are not in the best state at the moment. We shall see

Teresa May is a vile authoritarian witch. Personally I don't understand all the hate against Corbyn, he seems like a far more suitable candidate to run this country than this current joke of a government. Thank's for the post, getting the word out is important! Resteemed <3

Why would Corbyn be better?

I agree with everything here except your assertion that one party cares more about your rights than the other. It is a sorry fact that neither of them are there to protect you and they just take turns violating your trust throwing the voters back and forth. I hope you can preserve your freedom in the UK. The USA is watching, and if things start getting bad there us yanks have your back.

How do the yanks have our backs exactly?

Yeah who ever heard of an international network of people connected electronically over the internet helping each other out amiright? -_- tosser

Negativity is ruling the world. People these days love hate, negativity, and others pain. They will make MAY remain on PM seat with a majority. I hope this won't happen.

I would just suggest that one always do their own research, check their own facts, and be thoughtful and reflective BEFORE it comes time to cast their vote! Beware, there are groups out there actively changing facts to support their personal agendas.

Don't vote conservatives if you care about... well... anything!

Why vote liberal?

It's only the criminal government that tells you that voting is a right. It's not a right, it's a wrong. Government is inherently immoral, as violence is used to collect taxation, to impose rules and to punish rebels. There is no voluntary aspect to it at all, it's all forced on us. So, no, it's not a right to vote. In fact voting is a crime against your neighbour. You might have the right to chose a slavemaster for yourself, but you do not have the right to chose one for your neighbour. Politics is there to divide the people against each other, to make them believe in a sanitised mob-rule system which is what democracy is. If voting had the ability to create any positive change, it would be illegal.

Theresa May may be bad, but socialism is worse. Look at the track record of socialism.

Steemit won't be stopped by Theresa May.

College is free in Europe? That sounds like Bernie Sanders, the loser. Nothing is free!

What are the liberals going to do? Get you further in debt? Trash your currency some more until it is worthless?

Take an economics course and read some books about socialism!

The countries in Europe need to get out of the European Union. I can't believe people there have allowed a bunch of unelected idiots to control their destiny.

Corbyn and May are both bad. Corbyn will be worse.