A guide to politics in the United States

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Abortion: Liberals call it "Women's Health" as if it were a pap smear or a mammogram, but killing another person with forethought can only be legally defined as murder.
Birth Control: Birth Control is pregnancy prevention (i.e. contraceptives), not termination of pregnancy (morning after pill, abortion).
Freedom of Speech: Liberals want the freedom to say (or do) anything to get their points across, even if it means keeping others from saying or doing anything. They have rioted to protest a thug being killed by a law enforcement officer in self-defense (he nearly beat the law enforcement officer to death), to protest a conservative speaker coming to a university in a liberal area, to protest the inauguration of a president they didn't like, and they have rioted to protest many more ridiculous things. They have formed groups that say they fight for freedom or reform, but are just a bunch of domestic terrorists. ANTIFA is a fascist group which says they're against fascism - if only they would study history instead of burning books. Black Lives Matter (BLM) doesn't care about blacks being killed by other blacks unless the one who killed the other is a law enforcement officer. A more accurate name for BLM is Black LIES Matter.
Gay marriage: Homosexual Americans have the same rights as every other American, but that doesn't include marrying one another (in most states). Liberal judges would disagree, but they also forget that their only authority is the law. They don't create the laws, it's not their role. The laws (in most states) are against same-sex marriage, but most people think it's legal in all states due to misinterpretation by the Main Stream Media and liberal judges.
Global Warming: Al Gore was given a Nobel Peace Prize (which no longer means that anyone did anything notable for mankind) in the 1990s for telling us that the polar ice would all be melted by now. Then he bought a $10 million mansion on the Pacific coast. If he actually believed the lie he fed us, he would have bought a large plot of land at a high elevation (i.e. in the mountains) and had a mansion built there. So far all of the greenhouse gasses produced by mankind (since we started turning out larger amounts during the industrial revolution) equals less than a single volcanic eruption. When the data shows no evidence of temperature changes so NOAA changes it to make it appear that the temperature is changing, the hypothesis loses any credibility it might have had.
Gun Control: Gun control is hitting your target where you want to hit it when you pull the trigger. Liberals want us to believe that gun control is keeping guns out of the wrong hands (which they further define as ANY hands when given the chance). More gun laws (restrictions on LEGAL gun ownership) mean fewer guns that law-abiding citizens have to defend themselves and their loved ones. Criminals don't care about the laws, they'll keep whatever guns they have already illegally obtained. They will do whatever they can to get more guns (which is why sporting good stores are one of the first places to be looted when there are riots) and won't turn in guns just because someone makes them illegal. Compare Honduras and Sweden with the U.S. if you want proof. Honduras has very restrictive gun laws and few guns; Sweden has very few gun laws and everyone is issued a gun. Who has more gun crime per gun out of the 3 nations? Honduras. Least gun crime? Sweden.
Gun-Free Zones: If the criminals have guns and their targets don't, you've got a recipe for a mentally unstable person with guns to kill many people before someone with a gun can arrive to stop them. Why are we putting our most vulnerable (our children and our elderly) in places where they're going to have nobody with a gun around to protect them if someone shows up with a gun and starts shooting?
Hillary Clinton: She has committed so many crimes we've lost count, can't remember a thing in court, but then signs a book deal for millions of dollars because she's going to tell us what happened. She has noone to blame more for her failures than herself (except maybe her philandering husband) but insists that it's EVERYONE ELSE'S fault. She and her husband have managed to keep from being prosecuted for their many crimes by arranging the deaths of anyone willing to testify against them. I believe they'll have a special corner in hell with extra torment for eternity along with Hitler, Muhammad (founder of Islam), Margaret Sanger (the mother of the Planned Parenthood abortion scheme), and others who have committed similar attrocities.
Islam: Liberals want us to believe that Islam is a religion of peace and those who disagree with it must be evil bigots. Islam is a religious theocracy. If it were only a religion instead of an oppressive plague, it would be the only major religion in the world that teaches its followers to kill men who don't believe it, enslave women and children (including sexual slavery), and kill homosexuals. Yet the LGBTQIA (more letters may still be pending as more mental conditions are added) lobby is supporting islam in spite of the fact that islam teaches to kill them.
LGBTQIA...: They aren't born that way, it isn't genetic. They were (and maybe still are) defined as mental disorders in the DSM-IV (handbook for mental health professionals). There have been cases where they were treated and recovered, but the liberals want special rights/privileges for these people because they 'feel' different. With the exception of hermaphrodites (approximately 1 in a million according to an article I read) we are all born male or female. This doesn't change just because we don't 'feel' like we should be the gender we were born as. It doesn't change even if we take hormones and have surgery to alter the appearance of our genitals. There have been people who have undergone "gender changes" multiple times and still didn't 'feel right'. They also have a much higher percentage of pedophiles per capita on average.
Misogyny: Liberals want us to think that anyone who isn't in support of women who try to walk all over men is misogynistic (except muslims - they're allowed a special religious exemption for some reason) and must be stopped. If a man has ever looked at a woman wrong (in her opinion), talked about a woman wrong (in her opinion), held a door for a woman (who wanted to open it for herself), not held a door for a woman (who would rather have the door held for her at that point in time), or done anything else that offended a woman in any way...guess what...he's labeled a misogynist. And any woman who stands up for any man who has been labeled a misogynist...guess what...she gets labeled as a misogynist too. Liberals want us to believe that our society is oppressive to women. If they want to see a society full of oppression for women they just have to look to the muslim nations.
Obama, Barack Husein (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro): Claims to have been born in Hawaii, but Kenya claims he was born there. Even if he was born in Kenya, his mother was an American citizen so he is an American citizen too. He took his step-father's last name as a child in Indonesia, traveled to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport at the age of 20, enrolled in college in the United States as a FOREIGN citizen, studied constitutional law, became a lawyer, married another lawyer, surrendered his law license (his wife surrendered hers too), got elected to the senate in Illinois, got elected president BECAUSE HE RAN AS A BLACK MAN (even though his mother was white). There's a lot that I rattled off in those few lines, so let's go back to some of it... The fact that he was using an Indonesian passport instead of an American passport is inconsequential because he had lived in Indonesia while growing up, not America. Traveling to Pakistan is significant, though. He met (and studied martial arts with) Osama Bin Laden while he was there. He was an American citizen who enrolled in college as a foreign student, not as an american citizen - he did this to get extra grant money for his tuition. He studied the American Constitution (which means that he was aware of everything he did that was unconstitutional) at Harvard Law. He had a license to practice law (as did his wife) and they both did things that were unethical/illegal enough to get them disbarred - that's why they gave up their law licenses. He got elected to the senate and while he was there approved legislation that would put America's economy into a recession. While in the senate he also wrote the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. ObamaCare) that was unconstitutional and wound up fundamentally changing health insurance in America. After being elected president (because he had the racist blacks turning up in droves to vote for him in addition to the regular Democrat voters) he lied to America and got the Democrat-controlled Senate to bully ObamaCare through and sign it into law. He committed many acts of treason while in office, all of which liberals seem to forgive or overlook because of his skin color. He negotiated with terrorists, provided aid to terrorists, paid terrorists to release captives, released 5 terrorists in exchange for an American traitor (without the required congressional approval for a prisoner exchange - which should have been 1 for 1), issued executive orders that he knew were illegal (including DACA), and wiretapped a presidential candidate (who won the election despite everything that was done to rig it against him).
Second Amendment (2A): The people should be armed with enough weapons (guns and ammunition) to repel any force that tries to tyranize them (including their own government). It doesn't specify what kind of guns (the founding fathers of our nation wouldn't have dreamed of the guns we have today) or other weapons (such as a limit to the length of a blade that you can legally carry).
Separation of Church and State: This is commonly misinterpreted by the liberals to mean that the church should keep out of affairs of state. That is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of how it is written. The state should have no influence over the church. The church can influence society and thus influence the state, but the state has no legal grounds to influence the church. The constitution was written this way to prevent the government from taking over the church or having a single official church.
Snowflake: A liberal, usually a millennial, who has a meltdown because of political change. They are offended easily and must retreat to their "safe spaces" to block out reality for a while before they feel that they can rejoin society.

I know that I didn't get to everything, but it's a work in progress.


WOW, You are NOT PC...I like that a lot, LOL! Keep it up.

I'm not going to lie or try to water down the truth to spare a snowflake's feelings.

I wish more of them would read your stuff!