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RE: Abortion: Your body, your choice? Or is it the child's body that you are choosing for?

in #politics9 years ago

"I want to choose ideal genetics for my children. I want to choose which genes get passed on. That is the secret to evolution. I want an ideal mate.
This is the way of evolution. I will choose the future of the species on a small level, but to me, it's important. I won't allow myself to give birth to a baby that has the genes of a person who chose to be a rapist. "

This argument to justify abortion fascinates me. The following is a sincere question, since yours does seem to match up with their way of thinking: Are you a nazi? Do you think that what they did was good?
I don't know anyone who would choose to be raped. (Obviously, because then it wouldn't be rape.) Obviously it is preferable to choose a mate and father to your child. But does being raped justify killing an innocent person (who has never raped anyone) because he MIGHT do the same some day? Do you think being a rapist is a genetic trait? Honestly?

You seem to have your crimes confused. The rapist is the criminal, the child is not. Do you believe in putting punishment BEFORE the crime?
As for me, I would approve of the death penalty for the rapist -- not for the child.