We often hear the argument that we cannot judge the conduct of another as "good" or "bad" or "better" or "worse" than something else, because everything is relative. But this absolutist statement is simply not backed by current science.
The moral relativist also overlooks the logically self-evident truth, that the statement "the only truth is, that there are no truths" is obviously oxymoronic as the absolutism in the wording is principally invalidated by the consequence of the statement itself. If everything is relative and there are no absolute truths, then the ultimate truth declared in the statement can obviously not be an ultimate truth.
At Berkeley in the late sixties, Dr. John Clauser (physicist) and Dr. John Bell (theoretical mathematician) managed to prove experimentally that relativity collapses in quantum mechanics as they managed to prove the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement. Thereby, Clauser and Bell managed to declare Bohr the winner of the famous Einstein-Bohr debate. Scientists from the US and Japan have since proven the phenomenon again with a single divided photon where the halfs reacted instantly to one another over great distance when one was affected. Quantum mechanics: 2, relativity: 0. Einstein (the plagiarist!) would not have "spooky action at a distance" as he called it, as it violated the principle of "his" general theory of relativity, but quantum entanglement was true nonetheless.
Why is this important? Culture, religion, philosophy, ideology and the morals and ethics that come in the immaterial realm of the paradigmatic all belong in the realm of quantum mechanics as they are spawned from the "bio-quantum computer" we all have in our heads, our brains and as relativity has been invalidated in the realm of the sub-atomic, it quite logically is not applicable in the realm of the entirely mental being immaterial in nature. Roughly cut, relativity only applies from the molecular level of nature and further up, not the atomic and further down into the subatomic which is the realm of quantum mechanics. Relativity applies to what physicists often jokingly call "billard ball mechanics".
Reality is a layered construct and each layer has it's own fundamental mathematical truth that applies to that layer and all other layers above it, not below. Hagelin (quantum physicist, string theorist, unified field) explains:
So, the next time a moral relativist tries the absolutist "everything is relative" statement on you, refer the person to this post.
I do not get what special / general relativity and quantum mechanics have to do with personal morality and different views of right / wrong.
Neither do I and it also doesn't make sense in a scientific perspective. That's the point.