Venezuelans also need food, Venezuelans work for 1$ per week in most instances since inflation eats away any value left in their minimum wage earnings. Currently it is not active but I will be attempting to create a non-profit charity where any upvotes or direct donations that I will get on I will donate to hungry Venezuelans, I will do this by having my friend who currently lives in Venezuela to record the process of him giving a bag of food to a needy person. You may check a video on done by my friend in Venezuela from private donations I have acquired here in the USA, in where he gives a bag of food to a hungry child with just 5$ per child(currently it is in Spanish but I will have him make an Enlgish version). Each and every donation will be verified by a video of the process of the actual donation and even a sidenote given to the needy person in video "donated by ____(username)_____". Nonetheless I think Venezuelans really need some type of stable crypto for them to safely hedge against inflation, I completely agree. Ironically they have their own government issued crypto, the Petro, "backed by oil reserves", which are still ironically in the ground.
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