Very well said ! I assume your principles are the reason why you followed me and I wanted to thank you for it !
One quick comment on your post, I believe that your second principle referencing Bentham's utilitarianism could also be linked to Rawls' view on Justice.
This approach let's you say that you apply a rational criterion of Justice to your vote, which is reducing the maximum level of poverty existing in a society (here the steemit community).
This criterion is rational because that is the one that people would apply if they were placed behind what Rawls calls a "veil of ignorance". This veil suppressing the knowledge of an individual about his social position in the society, if asked what could be the perfect social justice criterion, this individual will rationally ask for a reduction of global poverty since he does not know what could be his future social position in society.Hello @kooshikoo !
Sorry for the quite long argumentation, maybe you already know about all this... But I thought it would make a nice addition to your post ! I'm thinking about writing a post on this subject myself ! Thanks for the inspiration !