The frightening thing to me is that you can see the true mindset of liberals by this comment by obama. The liberals view restraints upon the government as bad. I guess they would be happiest if the citizenry was in chains and had every move controlled by the government. Liberalism is is a mental disorder, and most of them are also communists. Scary combination.
The frightening thing to me is that you can see the true mindset of liberals by this comment by obama. The liberals view restraints upon the government as bad. I guess they would be happiest if the citizenry was in chains and had every move controlled by the government. Liberalism is is a mental disorder, and most of them are also communists. Scary combination.
I distill and clarify the Left/Right divide as this;
ignore anything in the definition OTHER THAN the amount of government control required by the ideology.
The more statist, the farther to the left
the more libertarian or individualist, the farther to the right
Communism on the far left. pure anarchy on the far Right
lliberals/leftists worship State over all, including truth