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Until Mueller Is Done, Trump Should Be Blocked From Stacking the Courts
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- McConnell began this process when he, by refusing to schedule hearings for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, held that vacant seat open awaiting a Republican president and, with the help of the Russians, he got one.
Trump lawyer claims the "President cannot obstruct justice"
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- Why it matters: Though Netflix branded Yeatman's comments as "careless" and "uninformed," and it took swift action after Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual misconduct, it still has yet to take any action against Masterson after four women — three of whom were members of the Church of Scientology, where Masterson is a prominent member — accused him of drugging and raping them in the early 2000s.
- "We need to reach a budget agreement that equally boosts funds for our military and key priorities here at home including the opioid crisis, pension plans and rural infrastructure.
- Rachel Witlieb Bernstein, one of six women known to have reached a harassment settlement with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, sued both Fox and O'Reilly for defamation and breach of contract on Monday, the New York Times reports.
Colin Kaepernick a finalist for 'TIME' Person of Year
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- Kaepernick was the first NFL player to take a knee during the national anthem last year, describing it as a means of protesting police brutality and racial inequality in the United States. He became a free agent in March and has yet to sign with an NFL team this season, prompting him to file a collusion grievance against NFL owners.
Alabama newspaper editor: My office would be shot at if I endorsed Moore’s opponent
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- "Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama. We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!" he tweeted.
Old Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweet about ‘attacking FBI’ goes viral after Trump’s tweetstorm
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- 3 last year, Sanders wrote: "When you’re attacking FBI agents because you’re under criminal investigation, you’re losing," presumably a jab at then-candidate Hillary Clinton amid the FBI making announcements regarding new findings in the investigation into her private email server.
- It also happened in May, around the same time that the FBI’s acting Andrew McCabe refuted comments made by Sanders that the agency had "lost the confidence" of "rank-and-file" employees under fired FBI Director James Comey.
Billy Bush: 7 other guys were on the bus when Trump bragged he could grab women 'by the p---y'
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- "Along with Donald Trump and me, there were seven other guys present on the bus at the time, and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass standup act," Bush wrote. Surely, we thought, none of this was real. "He was performing.
Economist Larry Summers predicts 10,000 will die per year due to tax reform
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- In an op-ed he penned for The Washington Post, Summers drew on studies from the Urban Institute and the Chan School of Public Health and used a more conservative estimate of 10 million dropping coverage. The studies estimated that one person in a range of 176 to 830 people die when they lose health coverage.
- Summers debated the issue on air with Ken Langone, the Home Depot founder and benefactor of the NYU Langone Medical Center. Langone said he doubts that Summer's fears will come to fruition, citing quality of care and increased life expectancy.
WH lawyer told Trump that Flynn misled FBI and Pence
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- Washington FBI had asked Flynn or specifically what he had said," the source told CNN.RELATED: Tracking the Russia investigations"They didn't think they were in a position to decide whether he had committed a crime," according to the source.It is not clear whether FBI investigators had conclusively determined Flynn was lying to them at the time McGahn approached Trump.Yates testified to Congress in May that she told McGahn she was concerned Flynn was compromised because the Russians knew the true contents of Flynn's conversations about US sanctions with Russia's then-Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.RELATED: The many paths from Trump to RussiaAt the time McGahn approached Trump, the White House counsel had no information beyond what Yates told him, according to the source.
Trump’s lawyer: the president can’t obstruct justice. 13 legal experts: yes, he can.
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- It is worth noting that — although impeachment proceedings are civil, not criminal in nature — articles of impeachment voted against both Nixon and Clinton charged obstruction of justice as a violation of the president's constitutional obligation to take care that laws are faithfully executed.
- But some wish the Constitution to be read that way to assure that an executive is not rendered unable to perform the duties of his office, and they argue that as chief law enforcement officer he cannot prosecute himself and that impeachment is the sole remedy for felonious conduct.
- But this is a complicated and wishful construction, and cutting against it is the more fundamental proposition that the president, who is responsible for the faithful execution of the law, cannot put himself above it.
The "What happened in your state last week?" Megathread, Week 49
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- Welcome to the 'What happened in your state last week' thread, where you can post any local political news stories that you find important in the comments.
- Jones' ads in both radio and TV have been more frequent from what I can tell and have a stronger message than Roy Moore's, but it doesn't seem to be changing people's minds.
- 'Republican proposals to slash federal taxes could end up cutting Montana tax revenue by as much as $30 million the next two years, state Revenue Director Mike Kadas says.