That’s the problem, we can be warned by presidents, by whistleblowers, by people, by nations or online through finding out information, but it kind of seems that not much can be done as they really do have the true power due to running everything. The police cannot make arrests when they are owned and told what to do, the media can’t report the truth as they are owned and told what to do, the prisons are owned and can’t hold their owners. It’s all fucked... but on the other hand, the people as a whole could collectively rise against the establishment, but at a cost of lots of us loosing our lives and we would need the military and police on our side. That would be very hard from the brainwashing. But, it almost looks as if it’s going towards that way, the increased spending on the m.i.c every year and black ops projects, they are planning for something
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Physical force is only a last resort when chaos gets too high. Physical force to combat violence when we are outnumbered is not the wisest method. The battle for the mind is where it's being waged now in an info war ;) We need number as you point out if we are to succeed in a physical change through force.