The elections are approaching in Venezuela.

in #politics7 years ago

This week the presidential elections will be held in Venezuela. For many Venezuelans this act of voting right for a presidential election is the hope for this beautiful nation, where for many years the government of Hugo Chavez brought misery and corruption to Venezuela. It is expected that this week Nicolas Maduro will face through the elections that it is time to let Venezuela out of the misery that its socialist government has brought.maduro-cumple-un-ano-electo.gif


Quisiera que esto sea realidad.. que este gobierno corrupto y miserable salga del mando.. como deseo con toda mi alma que las personas tengan 5 dedos de frente y entiendan que el pais necesita un respiro y una transformacion.. salgan a VOTAR que esa es la salida..

Así es amigo, la única salida es el voto, espero que todo se solucione.