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RE: Nicaraguans are fed up with President Ortega & the Social Security overhaul

in #politics7 years ago

I have ancestors from there and a close family tie to most of Central America , and the problems have always been OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE ❗️And not just from RUSSIA 🇷🇺, or CHINA as the NEO-CONS and the ZIONIST world have you believe . USA corporation has been down there since the beginning of this LUCIFERIAN country called USA 🇺🇸 started . The Central Americans have run them out several times . Look up the history of how many times the people have revolted against the western mercenaries that came and tried to treat the general population like plantation slaves . These demons all have blue eyes and blond hair . They pat you on the back and say “we’ll take care of you “, and before you know it some dictator springs up and starts executing anyone wanting nationalism and to keep more of their hard earned wealth . Just look at what is happening in Venezuela right now . And anyone thinking that MADURO doesn’t answer to the western powers is just living in Disney Land . The entire movie production that is this engineered crisis is so the west can move in and steal their resources . Watch for TRUMP , or other western nations talking SHIT about how they are watching the situation carefully , because thats code for we’re ready to move in and take over . And they will install another meat puppet to rule with an iron fist , and oppress the general population . This has happened to my family for decades and USA corporation knows DAM WELL what its doing . Don’t make the CHINESE or the RUSSIANS vilans until you hear what they have been proposing . Lots of infrastructure projects like airports and even a new canal to compete with the Panama 🇵🇦 canal of the west . Fallow the money , because Nicaragua 🇳🇮 is VERY RICH in resources . And the west has been drooling over its vast untapped gold , silver , oil , and many more resources they desperately want and need to keep their empire of lies going . Thank you for that report . And let me know if you want help with this topic .👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻