Great ideas and in a perfect world they would work . But you should both know that this is NOT a perfect world . Freedom must come with some sacrifices , and most of those have to involve the security of the people . Now just because this military has been run like the Roman Empire doesn’t mean we can’t have a consistent and fair military , or a well trained militia . And I think what is important to remember is that you for example Mr. Kokesh could find yourself surrounded on your property by people who oppose you or simply want to do you harm . Who are you going to call ❓Hating our current system is fine , but why do you think the COMMUNIST worked so hard to destroy it ⁉️ We can simply treemline this current government . Put this gigantic surveillance apparatus inside all government officials offices and places of business . Put the all seen eye right in their FACE❗️And mange them in a very tyrannical way . let them know from day one that if you FUCK UP , then you DIE . PERIOD . Dismantle Washington D.C. and build a new capitol for the new REPUBLIC in ROCKFORD ILLINOIS . A SHITHOLE now but perfect for it is in the center of the country and close to major cities and transportation . Get rid of all the secret societies infiltration to our government . KEY word OUR GOVERMENT . You both forget that . We make this bitch ours . Treat her with NO RESPECT . Like a fucking SLAVE . Teach her who are the masters , and my form of goverment will defeat yours EVERY single day of the week and twice on sundays . I do not believe in open borders and NEVER WILL . It is the work of COMMUNIST to destroy our country . And I know first hand gentlemen for I am EX-SOVIET . Individual freedoms must be respected even if it means at the point of a gun ❗️Voluntarism would only work in a perfect world where we would have %100 good willing people . But that is a STAR TREK FANTASY . The REPUBLIC can be saved , and reorganized . We shouldn’t have one president , I totally agree with you there . But we should have a board of governors that can decide all matters inside of our constitutional rights and freedoms and liberties . Which means all stupid comfort laws would be dissolved and abolished . Simple rule put in place . If its not your body or property then MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS ❗️Simple , direct , and affective . Good show ,and great ideas . Maybe in another universe . I would love to have a public debate with all of you . I love challenges to my freedoms and look to dismantle all competing arguments . 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻
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Most people are peaceful and want to interact voluntarily. For those who do not, there would be common law courts made up of local volunteers. Those volunteers would not have double standards under the law that granted them powers others did not, and they would not have special protections like current agents of the state enjoy. If you did not abide by the rulings of those courts, you'd lose protection from them. For larger issues? There would be the militia as defined in the Virginia Declaration of Rights--written well before the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights:
Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.