Since an early age, I have studied insurgencies and guerrilla warfare. The concept of the little guy going up against Big Brother and winning has always fascinated me. Sometimes the rebel wins, sometimes the insurgency is not so lucky and the rebellion is crushed by das BOOT.
Here in the United States, it is always a topic among survivalists, preppers, military and the like. We love to talk about the III% and how the jackbooted thugs would have to pry our weapons from our cold dead hands.
But in reality, is it even feasible for armed civilians to fight against the "System" or is it total suicide?
Instead of operating in an echo chamber, I want to open up this subject to discussion. Let's look at this objectively, using history as the guide.
I like to refer to "graveyard of Empires" Afghanistan as a prime example of a primitive third world people standing up and effectively engaging Great Britain, Russia and now the United States. Another example is the American Revolution.
There is no doubt that armed insurgency and VICTORY is not only feasible in theory but possible in real life. However, in order for success to be achieved, a few factors have to be considered.
- Does the insurgency have the ability to acquire weapons beyond civilian grade?
- Is there a method in place for recruitment of new fighters to replace those sick, wounded or dead?
- How does the noncombatnant population view the rebels? Do they provide active or passive support?
- Is there safe zone established to enable fighters to rest and refit?
- How are the supply chains organized and fed?
These are just a few questions that come to mind, what are your thoughts on the subject?