If Hillary Clinton is elected as the president of united states what will be her foreign policy towards India and Pakistan?

in #politics8 years ago

Hillary would be a safe bet for both India and Pakistan as she works for the 1% and this would make her weak and non-interfering in India's affair .

Where as Trump would isolate Pakistan and label it as a terrorist state as he works for Humanity .

The Liberal Democrat Party is financed and in a roundabout way controlled by different Arabic (OPEC , Brotherhood, autonomous contributors,etc.) bunches. Obviously, everytime a liberal dem is chosen there, Pakistan will undoubtedly benefit. Millions poured in through esoteric guide contracts and cross fringe revolt supported/ignored. Dread assaults will turn out to be better planned, striking and incessant. Such an organization should likewise try to meddle in our home undertakings refering to 'human rights', minority promulgation, understudy agitation. 

The obama administration was bad for the world all in all. Hillary's is only a spin-off. Pakistan will get an open criticize , 'insightful 'scrutinize and obliging "no-sorrys"for different trespasses, and after that secretive support from US govt. for reinforcing their paramilitary powers. At the same time India will be forced delicately to consider surrendering the entire of Kashmir.


The Hildebeast is in it for number one.
What ever benefits HER.
No matter who else get's hurt.
