ople who make the decision to change their diets and embrace a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle can do so for a number of reasons. Some believe in the sanctity of all life and are against all forms of animal cruelty. They seek to exclude the exploitation of other animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Some also believe that eating meat is unhealthy and/or that raising beef cattle and dairy cows is bad for the environment and ecologically irresponsible.
For me eating animals is the cycle of life,
cycle goes something like this:
- We (or other plants and animals) come into existence.
- We grow and age.
- We hopefully benefit the earth in some way.
- We die.
- We return to the earth (as nourishment).
- The cycle continues for all life on earth, over and over again.
The problem is the industrial scale. The damages to the environment are not a belief, but a fact.
The cycle of life, I hate to say it, was made up by humans, the perpetrators of this ongoing 'holocaust' towards animals in an effort to appease people's conscience's. Animals in the wild actually have the chance to fight back - when an alligator goes for a deer, there is always that chance for a deer to escape. Our systematic raising-and-killing of 56 billion of land animals(this does not count marine/aquatic life who's yearly numbers killed are so vast they are only measured in tonnes) isn't 'the cycle of life.' It's not benefittng the earth at all. Please take the time to watch Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret to understand that the choice to eat meat and other animal products is the antithesis of benefitting the earth in some way. I know this is 'up for debate' although truly becoming less and less so with each passing day, veganism is actually much healthier for us and it's no surprise that something that is healthier for us actually is healthier for the planet as a whole as well.
Oh and if anyone takes offense to the holocaust reference, there have been actual holocaust survivors that liken the 'current an ongoing animal holocaust' to that they experienced under Nazi Germany so this is a very legitimate comparison to be made with many parallels. The thing is that people have objectified animals to such a degree that they are not even victims anymore.