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RE: How/Why I Predicted Trump Would Win

in #politics8 years ago

@andrarchy ...I loved the 'post' was well put together & hit on most every point!...but I myself don't follow the crowd...I have a 'bad' feeling in my gut that Trump is going to win...the same 'bad' feeling I had in my gut when BU$H won in 2000...I had a 'good' job as a broadcast engineer from the Clinton 'boom' in the 90' predictions about BU$H all rang 'true'...I said something bad would happen & along came 9/11...I said Dubya would start a major war & along came Iraq...& finally I said that he would ruin the economy & along came the Great Recession of 2008...My predictions of Trump come from listening to what he has said...he said he would default on the National Debt & that will 'crash' the global banking system...he said he loves war & I expect him to be stupid enough to use thermonuclear weapons...he will decimate this country...and turn the USA into a 'global pariah' THIS what I want? H3ll no!...but I am preparing for the 'worst' ONLY hope is that people who have LISTENED to what he said will be able to see 'reality' under Trump...I give him about a year of screwing things completely up before the military ejects him from office! In short, can anyone say 'junta'?


Let history be your guide. In the last 30 years DJT is a privileged businessman, who has amassed a massive fortune building a real estate empire, reviled by many yet convicted of nothing, on the other hand, In the last 30 years HRC is a privileged public servant, who has amassed a massive fortune as a public servant, reviled by many yet convicted of nothing. Which one sounds more dangerous?