Donald J. Trump is no stranger to making business deals, especially ones that make him loads of money with little to no work or care for the actual product. (I mean Trump Steaks...really?) As we've seen so far into his political campaign, as well as over the decades, we see that his ultimate goal is no longer to gain more money, but to gain more fame. After you have a *cough cough* humble chuck of the entire world's wealth held by just one family, money is no longer a form of motivation. His motivation is now to become the most well known man in the entire world. He doesn't need to be the most liked person, just known. The more people who hear about him, talk about him, fight for or against him. He feels like he is winning. He wants to see how recognizable he will be. He wants to get his name around even more, maybe even be a coveted household name. Well, unfortunately, their plan is working--working very well indeed. Before running for president, Trump was a celebrity. He has been in the public eye for years, some what cruising along as a B or C list celebrity. He knows how to interview, take questions, present himself. He knows exactly how television works. When the camera is rolling, he's acting--just like anyone else on TV. We are all actors on the stage of life. Shakespeare and Trump know this to be true. Trump is not stupid when it comes to branding. Obviously, right? So all this time he is getting so much backlash for the things he is saying during this campaign, he isn't fazed by it one bit. It's starting a rippling effect and gets more and more people talking about him. AND THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. That's his end of the deal. He can say and do whatever he wants during this campaign because he isn't actually running. He is a pawn in a much larger game. He gets his fame. Hillary gets elected.
There was a job offered. An agreement was signed. And now we see the results of this business union.
Going back decades we know that the Clintons and Trumps were--and probably still are--friends. Even their daughters are friends, because they grew up together, in the same circles of celebrity, wealth, fame--for the most part. Heck, Trump is even using Bill Clinton's campaign slogan.
Just because they are seen in two photos together doesn't mean they aren't acting in these scenarios as well. This may be true. However, the fact remains that Hillary is still gaining momentum because of who she is running against. Trump says stupid things while "running" for president. He isn't stupid. He knows what he's doing. He is alienating people to push them towards Hillary. He wants nothing to do with the oval office--now that's too much work. Trump will be remembered as the greatest celebrity businessman to ever run. And it will go down in the history books at how epic his run was. If he can do it, anyone can! Towards the end of this campaign, we will see more and more scandalous things coming from Trump. It may be more about his penis size. It may be about seeing human beings as less than dirt and killing women and children. It may be about name calling a candidate (who has already dropped from the race) a "pussy" again. Or making fun of disabled people. Or scamming university students. All of this he has done. Say whatever to distance people from you and push them toward the real winner. Hillary. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not a huge fan of Hillary, either. I'll save all of those thoughts on her for a second post. Tehehe. All in all, this is just another game the people in "power" are playing. And we are all distracted by it. And here I am, perpetuating this game and his fame and her ultimate win. Life in America the Beautiful. Let Freedom Ring.
It's a big political circle jerk!
Yup, that is a great visual representation.
Nice post. If his goal is to be remembered he has won. He will go down in history .
You have to vote for Pol Pot because Hitler is very bad, forget the other candidates, they do not have a chance of winning.